Scavenger Hunt from Life #99: Jan 14- Jan 21

Ai -- you are doing so many! that dog is really cute!

Pine Cone -- thanks, I love the "ditty" too!

Jo -- I like the color you put into that sketch and I've seen it enough here to decide it's not "cheating" to add it later ( I could still see the egret in the distance when I did mine, but it was not really "from life" at that point :) )

Joan -- my daughter arrived at JFK early this morning and is now up in the Hudson valley. I'm sure it was snowing and cold for her trip back to college. It's going to rain here for a few days but I got a hurried hike in this morning before it started. When I see your snow sketch it makes me want to try gouache.... maybe sometime....
Awwww, look at Pine Cone go with the letters! Fun. Thanks for the nice comments.

Joan, thanks. It is too cold again today to get out. May go to lunch with Joanna. Pretty logs in snow. I really like your gouache scene. I put gouache on my list for Santa but didn't get any. Maybe for Valentines. Evil grin.

Ai, you made me laugh with your sore thumbs. I'm sure you weren't laughing.

Hope all stay warm and get to sketch. And down under, hope you are enjoying sunshine!

Ned, you are right about seeming to be cheating. I can look out and see the spot from a different angle here at the house. Ha, ha. It really is difficult to add color later unless you are very used to the subject.
Joan — Thank you so much, and had to laugh when I saw you wrote "NICE" 😂 Your two paintings gobsmacked me, made me wonder if they were magically lit from inside..... I could look at them for hours 😌☀️

Ai — Thank you for your warm wishes, and I'm sorry your thumbs hurt - hope they calm down soon 🙏❤️‍🩹 Fun group of sketches! ☀️

Ned — I'm glad you like the ditty 😌☀️

JoC — Thanks so much 😌☀️

Joe/Fletch and Jeanne and Robin and joe1lt and All👋☀️
Ai, thanks for your concern. I'm getting to wear all my "warm clothes." I try to dress warmly when I sketch from the car these days...even keep a blanket just in case. The cold has helped keep the small amounts of snow around. :) It should warm up in a few days. Cute sketches. Happy Birthday!!

Ned, I hope your daughter had a comfy ride back up to school. The cold weather should be gone in a few days...I hope. lol I forget about my gouache paints and then the get all crumbly and messy. I remembered early in the morning and sprayed them with a lot of water to get them ready for my trip out. I should force myself to use them for a while.

Jo, thanks so much. I hope the warmer weather is in store for you. Have fun when you go out to lunch!

Pine Cone, thanks so much. Your comments made me smile.:) I'm enjoying having a bit of snow to paint. We haven't had much of it at all this winter. The cold temps have made it stay around a little longer, but most of it is already gone. It is my own personal scavenger hunt to find a place that still has enough snow on the ground to bother stopping and painting. lol
Ai, guess we cross posted or some such. Love the little bird doll, cute dog, too. Applause!

Hope all of you are doing well. Thanks Ned for this Hunt. See all y'all next Hunt.

I sketched at my desk and dining table this morning in the BookFactory sketchbook with a Micron08 about out of ink so "sketchy" lines.
Number 7 iron - iron and tortilla press made of iron
Number 8 dog - sculpture of Mack by a friend, Charlie Force. His airdale.


Jo: Thanks... impressive of totilla press... cool set... love them all.

Ned: Thanks for hosting this fun Hunt.

Hi all, I have posted the next Hunt #100 here.
Jo, great sketch of the iron and the tortilla press. Does it brand the tortillas with the lone star design?

Ned, thanks so much for hosting. Wish I had done more.
JoC — Very cool sketches of very cool items! 😃☺ I have the same Lone Star question? Mack is special, and the iron is beautifully drawn, wow 💛

Ned — Thanks for a wonderful and inspiring event!!! ☀️
Sorry, thought I came back and answered. The tortilla press just makes round flat tortillas. Would be fun with the Texas stamp.
Fletch, missing you, hope all is well and see you soon.....