Scavenger Hunt from Life #75: July 5 - July 13

Paul, nice style to the lifeguard stand...different from what we have here.

Robin, thanks so much. The knight resting at the base of the tree was very dramatic after every bout. lol He was quite a character.

10 - mailbox - watercolors and ink
11 - pathway


12 - water feature (pool) - watercolors and ink

Joan— i need sunglasses to look at the porch sketch, maybe some iced tea.? Nice Bright and sunny:)
Love lifeguard sketch……though she looks overdressed for diving in to save
I'll post sketches first and then return with comments.

Ink, 5x8" page.

1. candlestick holder
2. coffee mug

3. kitchen utensils

Will be back later to comment

2. Mug ---- my new coffee mug, broke my last one


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Ai: Thanks. Love the color on you Beach scene

Joan: Thanks...Love the gladiaotrs, well done trellis, gate, and hydrant. Nice find on the mail box but really
love that porch scene. Great idea for pool scene. She looks a bit bored watching all the people
I think she wants to jump in the pool..

Jo: Nice pond scene ah out your back door?

Robin: Thanks.. Well done vase and flowers

eyepaint: Fancy candlestick holder, great up, and well done handy utensils.
Ai, thanks.

Robin, super rose and vase. Yes the lifeguard was wrapped in a towel. It was cloudy and windy when I was sketching her. I'm sure it was chilly up there. Today we're back to hot and sunny.

EP, interesting candle holder. I like your hatching on the mug with the mix of inks. Good kitchen utensils.

Paul, thanks for your comments. I'm sure she was bored but I'm also sure she had no desire to jump in the pool. lol Nice new mug!! Mmm...some beach people. I like the woman with the hat and the guy with the headphones.
Joan - lovely gazebo scene. Woah look at all those gladiators! Your garden trellise seems to be in a different style? Maybe with no pen. Yahoo the pool lifeguard with the orange water-rescue thingy. Thank you for your comment. The candlestick holder is bent tubing
Jo - the man and the wheel chair lady were together, hey? Yay pond
Ai - airplane as sub for a gnome - that is one heck of a substitution lol :) Mmmm water scene/beach :)
Robin - yay - Monk is a fun show. I hope the bedposts don't smell like pee any longer :) Yay colours in the vase!
Paul - imagine that - a lifeguard stand! Is that a shade roof for the person up there? Do you hug your mug? :) The spatter makes it look like an action shot. Thank you. The candlestick holder is a bent wire/tubing thing that looks all fancy. Yay beach people!
Good morning. Thanks all. I'm not very good at multi-tasking but hope to get back sketching. Company leaving today.

Paul, such a good life guard stand. Ohhhh, and you got me a mug and some blue with it. Whee! Like the beach people. Headphones and cool hat. Yes, the view is off the porch. I'll stick in a panorama of the view.


Hi Robin. The flowers and vase is so cool. Love the colors.

Joan, your mailbox sketch got pretty involved. Love it. The lifeguard sketch is really nice and full of summer!

eyepaint, such a cool candle holder. and well drawn coils. You know I love the mug! Good picks for kitchen utensils. Thanks for all the blue!! Yes the couple were waiting, he was leaning on her chair, may have taken a nap!
Know many here remembers Jeanne. Got the following message from her today am passing it along As she asked…
Hi Joe. I'm having some medical problems right now so I haven't been able to go onto the scavenger hunt site at all. I got dehydrated and my kidneys are having a little bit of troubles so I've been going back-and-forth to the doctor to get hydrated by Iv and I'll kinds of stuff and stuff like that. I'm worn out from having to get up and down all night going to the bathroom because I'm having to drink a lot of water. I'm not a drink water drinker and that's what caused all this to start with and I was on a calcium pill and I guess I got too much calcium so now they're trying to counteract that and then I was low on magnesium so they're adding that in here was isolating ever since Covid and lately this week I've been among about 2000 people in the ER and in the doctors office and they told me that because my immune system is so low right now not to go very many places and wear a mask every time which I already did. Just wanted to let you know you can share it if there's anybody left in the scavenger hunt from the old days. Hope you're not getting too hot there. We're in the triple digits right now.

Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Joe: Thanks for keeping us informed of Jeanne's condition. I am praying for her.

EP: Thanks. Love your blue-touch and that candle holder is awesome.

Robin: Thanks. Glad you can record the beautiful flower+vase down in your hectic time. Hugs.

Paul: Thanks. Enjoy your new mugs.

Jo: Thanks... Our lives are full of ups and downs... to have been in peaceful surrounding like yours and having art in between is such a privilege.
Hunt # 76 is posted

Sorry to hear Jeanne is suffering. Will keep her in prayers. Am thankful for each friend here who has come and gone ………each one is very super special……love and prayers
EP, the trellis was a tiny direct pencil or ink.

Jo, I did a whole scene around the mailbox. lol

Joe, thanks for the update on Jeanne. Sounds like she going thru a lot. ((Hugs and prayers for her..))