Scavenger Hunt from Life #64: Apr 8 - April 16

Joan - thank you. Agree about nozzle twins. You ate grapes! What colours did you use for the grapes?
Jo - thank you
Sylwia - thanks for the new list. See you there.
Paul - thank you
Robin - love! love! love! the study of the columbines! Did you start them from seed? If so, how many years does it take to see the lovely flower?
Yeah... We are back safely to Bangkok and had a long nap to regain our power... See you all in the next Hunt.

Joan: Wonderful grapes.

EP: Thanks... Love your set but I esp. love the ice cube tray...bravo !!!

Robin: Wow... your sketches of columbine flowers are amazing... I have not seen the real-life one, columbine... Your constant charming sketches do not occur to me that you ever need a sketch pep-talk.
Robin: that flowers!! This one didn't make to the hunt because is earlier but had to paint the columbines from my boss house. They are indeed amazing flowers.

Wow! Lovely finish to this Hunt!

Robin, such lovely graceful lines on your Columbines and the photos are beautiful. Thank you. Like Ai said, I can't imagine you need a pep talk. Your sketches are always full of life.

Bghisly, you, too! Such beautiful colors. If we have Columbines here I haven't recognized them. Lovely lines and colors.

Thanks, Paul, for the Hunt. It was good fun and fine sketching!!!