Scavenger Hunt from Life #56: Feb 03 - Feb 11

Ai: Beautiful leaves and flowers the hyacinth is my favorite. Those chairs are well done I always have a difficult
time with chairs, nice substitute with the mixer truck... the duck and rabbit sculptures a very well done, we have a similar
statue of ducks on the Boston Common. The kale and other statue is very well done as well. Leaf and pot are
very esthetically pleasing

Jo: The tree practice paid off for sure. Nice yogurt I get blue berry and vanilla as well.

Joe: The shading was pencil, haven't tried the ink washes yet looking for my brushes still
nice pencil sketch of the yellow rose.

Nice thumb and ruler, your landsapes are very nice they always seem crisp and sharp
Joe: Yes, the carwash owner love her garden ... she had a few kales growing in big canvas sacks at the corner of her deserted English garden... lol

I think I had sketches two "S" for "Sweet" and "Statue".
This morning I went to the hospital for follow up of a vaccine. En route, I had my breakfast at a small rice poridge shop with some plants there... So I had this mini set done in 15 min.

#9 leaf -- pencil + wc
#10 terracotta -- directwatercolor
#11 plant -- directwatercolor


Ai- beautiful cactus sketches. Sounds like cactus plants are the current ”thang”..... better than collecting lightbulbs or meatloaf.

Anybody recall the names of the two old time radio comedy pals that talked about meatloaf and lightbulb collections?
Paul - My apologies. I saw the smooth even shading and assumed it was an ink wash.

Ai - Another cool café that provided you with great Hunt items. Regards your previous post…kale and car wash just does not seem a match. LOL. The cactus and your painting are both beautiful. Is that caliper Tone’s or a school tool?

Robin - do not remember the comics or the routine. Sorry.

Keep sketching
Joe, It's a good thing you didn't have enough time at the hospital to sketch! Happy the test went well. The rose is beautiful. Nice shading.

Ai, great location to find the leaves and plants, thanks for the photos. You are so good about that. And what a beautiful cactus. Guess I will never need and Electronic Caliper. Pretty cool looking.

Robin, I don't recall the comedians either. Hmm. We did listen to the radio a lot.

I sketched at the dentists, thought of adding color at home as it is in the Ohuhu mixed media sketchbook but the thought passed. Micron 03.

Number 9, cactus - some sort of stickery plant in a round bowl.

Ai, I love that you've been able to find some fun substitutions. I like the statue and the kale especially! None of our car washes have exciting gardens here. Nice job on that leaf!!! The plant in the terra cotta pot looks like an aloe or succulent. Good finds! Oooh..a flowering it!! Super tool!

Ned, some days are like that and sketching doesn't quite do what we want. You should have done some substitutions and maybe your rocks would have fit as some letter.

Jo, thanks so much. I hope you have success finding something to sketch at the dentist. I don't have a lot of luck at the doctor or dentist. Things there never seem to inspire me...just the people sometimes. I see the dental office sketch now...nice!!

Joe, nice sketch of the rose. I find them very difficult to sketch and paint. Those turned edges are so hard to capture. You did a nice job. You may see an error but I don't.

13 - sweet - watercolors and ink

14 - Barn (sub for B - buttons) - watercolors and ink


15 - Fish market (sub for F - flower) - watercolors and ink
Robin, I'm sure we listened, I don't remember the Bob and Ray show much. Fun memory.

Joan, fantastic substitutions. The sweet cupcake looks delicious. Was it red velvet inside or plain chocolate? Yummmm. The barn is very unique. I've taken so many photos of barns and then lose the enthusiasm when I paint from photos. Nice tree in that, too. The fish market is so cool.

Ai, I like the caliper. Wonder what they measure? The cactus? mThat is quite a nice supply of plants and interesting pots.

Going to try to get more sketching, still have a couple of days here.
Ai, thanks. Those cacti are wonderful. I get excited when I see them with blooms on them.

Jo, thanks. The cupcake was plain chocolate. We were sketching Valentine related items with my group the other night.

Brian, nice sketch of the succulent. We don't have cacti here either except in nurseries or flower houses. They are fun to sketch.
Brian, great sketch. I like the edges and shading. Well done. We have lots of cactus around here. I don't have any in the yard and haven't been out and about. I have a piece of Christmas cactus I just got and it is hanging on from a cutting. Guess I can sketch that. No blooms of course.

Back later with that.
Ai- lovely cactus works and travels...thanks for the photos, they are great vicarious travel. I like how you line sketched AND watercolor Ed the leaf and blossoms. The cement truck is so raw. It’s refreshing to see your honest attempt posted. Nice ducks and kale leaves. Cupid water fountain statue is loose and fun loving feel.

JoCee (:>). Nice digi tree and bushes....waiting room and plant is interesting duo. Tom just made appt for new dentures. His are at least 20 yrs old. I hope your arrangement works well for you.

Brian lots of neat line detail and shading variant. Plant reminds me of Koran hope. The root detail is enticing and makes for lingering looking. I am glad to see you again. I much enjoyed your paintings.
Ha, thanks Robin for the next Hunt even if it is early.
I decided to play in the water and do another cactus. This plant has a long story you can read on my blog if you are interested. It is from an old plant of my mom's via thousands of miles and many years. This is a new cutting and seems to be growing after coming in a plastic bag from Oregon.
Number 10 - another cactus in the Canson watercolor sketchbook, 9 x 12 inches. Ohuhu pens and watercolors.


Hopefully it will look like this next Christmas:

Fletch- beautiful rose- loose soft petals belonging securely in the overlaping unity.

Sylwia - i am happy to see your seagull pal again.....nice take

MPaul- nice sketches. Love the little details on ruler. The xerox setup is a pleasing arrangement .

JoC—you should get the hunt prize for most imaginatime vegetable sketch. Such Erythreal potatoes are not often see. Love the colors. The piece has that certain je ne say pas. WOW- nice studio has a good feeling about it.....I love my art space. It’s simple but sometimes just sitting in the space carries a whole refreshing .......I think my hubbie feels the same when he sits in his workshop. Sometimes when he didnot feel well at night he would go sit in his mustang . He can drive anymore. But he is a good guy in a tough situation hanging in there.

NedL, and EP- I been busy too....hope you can catch a sketch soon....
Joan- nice simple thumb measurement sketch. your environmental sketches are tops. I along with our other art buddies send best wishes to the off-the-beaten-path-coffeehouse. I love sketching in coffeehouses