Scavenger Hunt from Life 149 Feb 15 - Feb 23

4 - spring flowers - ink and watercolors


5 - clothespin - ink

Hi, Joan, Thanks. Will use it on tamales or maybe carnitas, little pieces of pork browned and cooked in the chile. Either way, pretty good. Ohhh, look at the beautiful flowers. The pink says spring for sure. I like the simplicity of the clothespin. I need to do that.

Ai, the shopping mall art is amazing. Great lines and forms. Wow. Thanks and great photos, too.

I sketched while we were waiting for take out at Kyoto Japanese Restaurant after physical therapy. I left out a lot of detail, lack of patience and time. We'll call it artistic license!
Number 2 clouds - a bit faint but there
Number 3 water - well a dry water fountain by the Mexican restaurant.

Jo: Thanks a lot. Great sketch of the fountain. I love your artistic license. I need to learn how to simplify. You give it nice soft feel and lovely shadow too.
#5 outside corner ... a lovely outdoor corner of a garden style homey foodshop called Ran-TongJong (We had our lunch here today). This is where I need to simplify, which I did not know what to do with all the branches and leaves... so this is what I got. Directwatercolor ... (PS. I did try to jot Tone down... but Oh well...)


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Ai, wonderful job on the musical instruments. Are they for display purposes or does someone come along and play them at times? Thanks for your comments. Super job on the garden area (which you definitely did simplify) and your willing model who posed in that great setting.

Jo, thank you. I love how you are grabbing the opportunity to sketch when you are out of the house waiting somewhere. I like the details on the fountain and how you simplified the scene...and kept in the flag. Nice!

We have another bitterly cold day today. I'm planning to go out and maybe sketch an indoor location. It is hard to come up with something different. I think it might be too cold to sit in the car and sketch.
Joan: Thanks so much... the musical instrument were more of casing, esp. the grand piano... very sad indeed.
Thanks, Ai. I think you have a perfect mix of leaving in and leaving out. I love your model, say hi to Tone.

Joan, thank you. I hope you get to sketch. We have one OK day today. Windy and about 60-65, then in the 30s tomorrow for at least 4 days. Our winter is on! Hopefully this is the end. Ha.
I ended up going to the mall today, but couldn't find anything there that excited me for sketching. I ended up sketching from my mobile studio. These are tiny...maybe 3 x 4.
6 - fast food - watercolors and ink
7 - vehicle
8 - landscape - cretacolor pencils and watercolor
Joan, tiny great sketches. The burger sign and the car are so good. I really like the dark water and bushes in the landscape.
Thanks for your comments, everyone!

Stephanie, nice sketch of the box with the flowers...such a nice, loose sketch.

I drove down to Smith Point Park in Shirley today thinking I could sketch a wave for water while sitting in my mobile studio. They put up snow fencing across the spot where you can usually see down to the water and blocked my view! I had to settle for sketching at the other end of the parking lot. I spied a few deer. They tend to come over when cars stop and park thinking they are going to be fed. I never feed them because it is illegal and just helps the deer population there to increase. That results in more accidents and deer and people being injured. But it gave me a short time to sketch one of them. These are small sketches and are on the same page as the ones I posted yesterday.

9 - animal - watercolors and wc pencils



10 - clouds - watercolors and ink
11 - water
12 - bridge

stephanie, aww, you came up with a clever outside corner. I like your lines and texture marks.

Joan, love the deer. Thanks for the photos. And, you found water. Lovely clouds and structure. Nice sketching.
you all posted fantastic art,Jo,tin In digital, nice, and it's nice to see examples here with this medium.

Expensive,animal, draw digital free hand.It's a new figurine, bought at the newsstand 4 days ago.Donald duck was the comic I loved to read. This gadget was at the newsstand with a magazine of collections, episodes released in recent years. The figurine cost 60 cents plus the cost of the magazine. The figurine at 60 cents no expanse, it's cute, the magazine is expensive, €5.but I couldn't resist.

2025-02-20 19-08 1.jpeg
2025-02-20 19-08.jpeg
Joe - love the Donald!

Sorry all got some drawing done but used comment time to maeuplidtfir next hunt. Try to be back later or tomorrow with comments.

#1 clothes pin, This started out to be an ink sketch in sketchbook but than decided to add watercolor. Used pencil for basic shape.


Keep sketching and learning.
#5 expensive - my new habit of knitting & crochet - i admit to a weakness for yarn, especially wool
and of course i had to get a hand made yarn bowl
6x4, persnickety fountain pen & colored pencil