Scavenger Hunt from Life #143: Dec 29 - Jan 06


Well-known member
Welcome to the Scavenger Hunts from Life. The Hunts were started in 2006 by Jamie Williams Grossman as a way to practice with prompts. Artists have come and gone while forming some lasting friendships. We hope you will join in and tune up your sketching skills. All levels and techniques are welcome. We hope you can have some good times here. You can travel the world seeing the sketches of items at hand by the artists.

If you’ve participated in at least one Scavenger Hunt and have time to host one we would really appreciate it. You can sign up by posting your name on the current hosting schedule in the Art From Life forum here:

Here are the rules for the Hunt:
  • All everyday common items on the list must be sketched from life – not imagination or photo reference.
  • Each object you draw can count for only one item on the list, no matter how many shapes/parts/colors that object contains. This was agreed on by unanimous vote among the participants.
  • You may place multiple objects together in a drawing or painting, and may count these objects as separate items, but no single object can count for more than one item.
  • All items posted must be numbered. Count them as you go. The first item you post will be #1 regardless of its place on the list. Do them in whatever order you wish, but count them in the order in which you sketch them, from 1 to 26.
  • Do as many or as few of the items as you like. You don’t have to finish the entire list to participate. The Scavenger Hunt “week” will last for 9 days, with the next hunt starting on the 9th day.
  • Please tell us your size, surface, medium, and the amount of time it took you for each sketch. We love hearing about your subjects and setups. Photos of your subjects are welcome.
  • Have fun!
*** If you have some hunt sketches completed but little time to read/comment, please post your sketches anyway. Commenting is appreciated but not required

Scavenger Hunt from Life #143: Dec 29 - Jan 06

Means of travel
Something from kitchen
Something from bedroom
Something from bathroom
Something from outside
Something from that grows
Something you keep wanting to draw but haven’t yet
Something soft
Something sweet

#1 something from outside...Bankha mountain roadside cafe, Ratchaburi ... watercolor pencils on notebook...


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Fletch, thanks for the new list!

Ai, you got off to a quick start. I like your landscape by the cafe, but that sketch of the cheesecake has my mouth watering. Yum! Nice to see the rest of the family enjoying the view too.

1 - gifts - Posca markers and colored pencils

Ai - Nice landscape and that cheesecake is so yummy! I cant believe how your girls have grown up so quickly! It seems such a short time you were painting them as little girls. How quickly the years go by.

Joan - I like your composition with the gifts. And the gifts beautifully rendered! This would make a lovely Christmas Card.
Joe, thanks for the list!

Ai, yummy, both the landscape and the cheesecake. Love the photos, always!

Joan, what pretty packaging and gifts! The markers seem to be working well.

Vivien, hi there. Hope your vacation days are super.
Fletch -- thanks for the list. "rock paper scissors" and "animal vegetable mineral" made me chuckle.

Ai -- the WC pencil and CP on notebook are neat!

Joan -- Like the vivid posca markers Christmas gift bags! Just last night we had a friend over and he was telling us about using posca markers combined with laser-printed "stencils" for gelli printing... it sounded really neat and made me think of you. I'd never heard of posca markers before seeing your sketches with them. Now I'm thinking of making gelli-printing plates ( I have lots of photographic gelatin and some glycerin.... need some posca! )

My Christmas present to myself was some inktense pencils. I like the idea that they can be layered and will stay in place once dry. Might eventually be another way to add color with a water brush? Don't know!

My daughter is home for the holidays and we've been getting together with family and friends. I might be slow on this hunt because I told my friend I'd help him develop some film before he has to go back to work next week ... lots to prepare for that and I want to test that everything is ready with my own film before touching his. Also new chemicals arriving today... I'm going to try to make a non-toxic print developer... I'll probably fall into a photography rabbit hole ... Still, I'll make sure my sketchbook is in my pocket if I go on any hikes! :)
Jo - Hi, and yes my vacation days have just got a lot busier. My family have just arrived with their little Jack Russell wee "Bob". Bob and my Pippa get on very well together so no problems with dogs. Im going to draw Bob if I can get him to sit still long enough.
Hi Ned - We crossed. Your Christmas sounds if it was good. Ive used Inktense pencils for years and love them. They have also saved many a failed watercolor for me. Enjoy!
Ai - though I might have been too late posting last night. But 2 nice sketches seem to say the post was on time. You have great patience. As soon as the notebook paper started to buckle I would have trashed it but your patience paid off with a nice sketch and a nice family photo, We were just getting ready fir dessert when I looked at the cheesecake YUM. Nice pencil texture work. Smooth cheesecake and bumpy strawberries.

Joan - Nice gift sketch, like how the markers give smooth shiny look and pencil has the feel of tissue. Today so far seems about textures!

Vivien, Jo, Ned, - 👋🏽

Ned - Glad you got a chuckle. You were responsible. Added Rock thinking of you and then had a blank. Started thinking rock …paper scissors just followed so they were a gift ( next clue ) then thinking of games animal, vegetable, mineral is a series I use a lot. Left out breadbox this time.😎

Keep sketching
Hi Vivien, after using them a little just now, I can already tell I'm going to like them. It did something special when my water brush touched the black inktense. Wow.

Hi Fletch! LOL You got me. I hadn't seen the challenge and you wrote "THOSE PRESSED FOR TIME …TAKE THE CHALLENGE!" ...... oh good this will be for me... it's going to say something like "do a sketch in 2 minutes." Went and looked at it. But I took the challenge! I was getting ready to go to bed and read but made some time -- and glad I did I had fun :) There might be some bigger rocks later :)

#1 rock #2 paper #3 scissors ink, ink wash, inktense

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Ned: Thanks... Awesome set of rock-paper-scissors.

Joan: Thanks.... Gorgeous the gift combo. I agree with Vivian, that it could be another perfect Christmas card.

Fletch and all: Thanks for your kind support.
Vivien, thanks for your comment. I hope you are enjoying your vacation.

Jo, thanks. It is fun to work with different media, but it will never replace my watercolors.

Ned, how great that your friend was using the Posca markers too. I haven't tried them with my gelli prints yet, but pretty much anything works on the gel plate. Have fun with the photo printing. I took a class many years ago where we developed and printed b&w film. I loved doing it.I have some intense pencils but somehow they got mixed in with my other watercolor pencils. Enjoy having your daughter home. Fun sketch of the rock, paper, scissors.

Fletch, I like hearing how you came up with the list this time. :)

There is a beach along Long Island Sound in Mt Sinai that has some interesting views. There was one spot with piles of sand that had to be there for a long time since trees and brush were growing out of it.
2 - pile of sand, branches, and twigs - watercolors and ink

Ned - Nice drawing on the "rock, sissors, paper", and I see you are already putting those Intense to good use!
Joan - My vacation has suddenly got very busy, with all the family here now. Lovely landscape, I feel Ive actually been there from viewing your great watercolor landscapes.
Ned, the Inktense are working well for you. Clever you and Fletch! I'm smiling or grinning.

Fletch, Hi and thanks for the encouragement to find time. Gene has me working on my cards today.

Vivien and Ai, happy to see you.

Joan, oh my, so lovely the landscape. There was a place in New Mexico where there were big dunes. They built a rest stop there and I guess the traffic of folks walking or something they are grown over now with cactus and grass. Interesting.
Jo, I've noticed a lot of "jalapeño" products aren't very spicy... even things marked "hot" often aren't very!

Fletch -- it's past my bedtime again but did the challenge again :)

A few things didn't go well...but it's okay! My TWSBI eco pen nib caught on the paper and sprayed little droplets of ink! Like watercolors, different inktense colors have different "mixing power", and the darker ones are stronger than I realized. One of the colors I played with yesterday looked and acted just like phthalo green.. so I should have guessed. Should sit down and play with mixing them, but I'm learning this way too :)

I opened the double back of my grandfather's pocket watch and tried to sketch the insides.... it reflects light with interesting silver and white vertical stripes that I didn't capture... I don't know how to make a grey/silver color yet.....maybe mixing white and charcoal w/ a touch of blue... not sure. Anyway it was fun to play with!

#4 time ink, inktense, a touch of ink wash
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Ned: Thanks... Love your paper-rock-scissors, and such a super beautiful classic pocket watch ... well done.

Joan: Thanks. What a lovely spot you have recorded on Long Island sound. It gives out beautiful peaceful glow.
Hi Ya'll - nice works of art and coversation!......
Busy doing inventory at work and have a couple travel events coming up.....but I am gonna take the challenge.

Thanks Fletch reading down the list made me smile as I connected with your process of putting down associations we've all collected.. It was a fun, good feeling.

Ai, Joan and Ned - keep up the good sketching

Vivien, JoC Hi ya, hi ya, hi ya.......