Scavenger Hunt from Life #143: Dec 29 - Jan 06

Vivien, Jo, Ned, Ai, Robin, thanks for your comments.

Ned, nice work on the mechanics of the watch. I have my grandfather's pocket watch, but the back doesn't open. It is special because I never met him or my grandmother on my father's side. Both were gone before my parents met. I'll have to do another sketch of it.

Ai, I like your real rock and the "rock, paper, scissors" hand positions. lol
Ned - Great job. Looks like you are a natural using Inktense. Glad you had fun sketching.👍🏽

Wrote above yesterday morning and never hit enter.
Joan- I am with Ned. Love the earthy colors in the dune-scape.

Ned - think you caught the bands of silver and white; Maybe not how you envisioned them but they are there. Good job!

Ai - Like the contour hatching in the rock. Clever doing the 3 hand gestures!

Vivien, Jo, Robin, Joe, Joan, Ai, Ned and all the other artists who join us or just pop in to look. WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2025 FILLED WITH CREATIVITY!

#1, 2, 3. Rock, Paper, Scissors borrowed AI’s idea. Took the challenge and made time plus an added challenge for me ..drew in pen in my recliner. Ran out of room for scissors as I started to far down the page. Plus drawing at the bottom of page had sketchbook (9x12) on the chairsrm and the left hand was posing and holding book. LOL

Keep sketching in New Year!
I wish all Scavenger Hunters a very happy new year! I hope 2025 is a wonderful creative year.
:) It's already the new year for Vivien and Ai and, well, the East Coast of the US too. Happy 2025! Still a couple hours to go here!

Fletch -- good job, especially posing then holding the book :)

This place is called Mussel Point and is about a 45 minute walk on a sandy ocean beach. I often go there to eat my lunch; it's nice because even when there are lots of people at the coast in summer or on weekends or holidays, there's rarely anyone there. Most of Sonoma County geology is "recent" and around 2-3 million years old, with a few older outcrops that are 5-6 million years old. This point is made of crumbly granite that is around 100 million years old ( when there were dinosaurs! ) It broke off of Southern California and has been moving up the coast around an inch per year for millions of years. Right now, it's on the ocean side of the San Andreas fault line.

Learned more about inktense today... it's different on different paper -- on this paper the lines don't lift off all the way with the brush -- need to use a lighter touch! Maybe not the best for sketches on hikes. It tipped off the log I was sitting on and they all landed in the sand! I might cut a few in half to go with my pocket sketchbook when I don't have a knapsack like I did today...

#4 old ( ancient! ) ink, ink wash, inktense

a photo:

I took a photo of the beach on the way back to my car, you can see the point in the distance:
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Happy New Year!!! Wishing all of you a healthy, happy, and creative 2025. hope everyone had a good New Year's Eve and is having a good New Year's morning. I actually did stay up to see the ball drop in NYC because I had been watching a movie that had just ended. Usually I have a drink with dinner and am asleep either on the couch or in bed before midnight. I'm such a party animal. lol

Fletch, thanks. I'm glad you like the dune painting since I tend to do those so often. I like your version of rock, paper, scissors too.

Ned, I like your scene with the old geological remnants that are along the coast. I like your touches of color.

3 - something that grows - direct watercolors

4 - from the outside - (my last plein air sketch of 2024) direct watercolors
Happy New Year..Folks !!! I had a productive sketching day with my art friends...we walked along another old area of Bangkok called Pahurad, a zone well-known for the Sixkh community, immigrated from India... hundreds years ago.

#6 bright -- the golden domes of the main Sikh temple...the first is done with pencil+ wc...the 2nd had been added with more ink

#7 mean of travel...the Thai Tuk Tuk




#8 old ...the historical SaphanHan or the turnable-bridge (must be turnable over hundred years ago with old wood structure)...but the one I sketched today had been cemented up 63 years ago...



#9 They grow ...The tree in the back-left corner and the foreground purple-red grass -- direct watercolor as the light is almost gone for evening...




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Ned, the pocket watch is exquisite. I see the reflections. Yes, jalapeños are strange. When hot not much taste and the hot goes quickly. Our New Mexico chile comes in different "hot" levels and the hot lingers and there is good great taste in it. :-) Your seacoast for old is so lovely. The colors are just right. And mmmm on the photos.

Hi Robin!

Ai, I like your rock. With your hatching I see a bird. Clever for rock, paper and scissors. Wow! You had a great day with your sketching friends. The temple is beautiful. The bridge is so interesting. I guess it opened to let boats through?? I like the colorful buildings in the "grow" with the grasses. Applause!

Fletch, I didn't recognize you with the new avatar. Nice glasses. Your rock, paper, scisssors, came out great. You are learning my technique of putting up your feet and sketching. Ha.

joe1lt, thanks. Good to see you this year!

Joan, I like the shadows in your "something that grows". I like the houses peeking through in the outside.
Fletch: Yes, your new profile photo is cool.

Jo: Thanks so much.

Joan: Happy New Year. Thanks. What a lovely way to end 2024 with your from the outside sketch. The trees that grow also have wonderful light and shadow.

Later in the day, we all visited an iconic indy bookstore/cafe, called PASSPORT. Its decors are in vintage style. Its too bad the cafe, does not allow inside photo taken.

#10 mineral --> iron ore -->iron --> wrought iron --> part of a vintage ceiling lamp at the cafe.

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Ai, beautiful sketch and sentiments at the cafe. Good friends are special!

I sketched on my footstool in the large Canson Mix Media sketchbook with Micron 03 and added watercolor and Baoke white gel Pigment inh pen... Number 1, something that grows. Getting white blooms on this Christmas cactus.

Ned - Like the way you used the color. Think pen and inktense work well together. Your photos highlight your eye for composition.

Joan - made a copy of the trees to look closer at hiw you did the bark, Love houses peeking through the dune grass.

Ai - Cool seeing the before and after you add ink. Also fun to see you used artistic license and left out all those power lines! Like how you did the water in the canal. Those purple-red grasses are beautiful. Wow you are off to a prolific art year! The chandelier is interesting. Like the floral look of the lights and the quote on the wall.

Jo - I wore glasses most of my life until I had cataract surgery in 2007. Then no glasses until about 2 years ago. Also a lot more gray now than in old avatar. About to turn 80 so thought a more realistic photo was needed. The cactus is beautiful. Love the look of detail you git on the basket combing watercolor and ink.

Keep sketching
#4 Means of travel - Submarine. Drew on about 1/3 of a page in 9x12 sketchbook in pen,
Learning to accept imperfections drawing in ink. 🥸



Keep sketching
Finally got some sketching done. Watercolor, pen and ink and the Paper Towel in Intense Pencils (Paynes Grey)
1. New - new Dog Toy
2. Old - old Dog Toy
3. Paper - crumpled paper towel

Ai, thanks for your comment. Inlove your sketches of the temple and the surrounding area! So fun! That ceiling light came out so good. I like the delicate edges of the pieces.

Jo, thanks so much. That pot for the cactus has so much texture…great job!

Fletch, I like seeing the new you! Fun decorative submarine!

Vivien, super old and new dog toys. The shading on the paper towel sketch is great!

I like to start off the year with a trip to the beach. I usually walk to the lighthouse, but there were gale force winds today. I sat in my mobile studio and sketched the boardwalk leading to the sand. There were a lot of families walking around and I sketched a few of them.

5 - means of travel (foot) - watercolors and ink
Joan, Viv, Jo: Thanks so much. Wonderful artworks from all of you.

Fletch: Thanks.
Joan -- thanks. I always think of the East as being brown ( or white with snow ) in winter. I like the lively green trees! Here I am where it's mostly green in winter and I drew bare oaks today. I like the sky over the dune grass w/ houses peeking through. I like the sky above the people going to the beach too.... :) my daughter always wanted to walk on the rails like that when she was little :)

Ai -- I really enjoyed seeing that before and after inking. I think I've gone back and looked at it four times now... it has something I can't name, maybe a sense of serenity or peace, I'm not sure. It captured a feeling that doesn't show in the photo! The canal with the umbrellas on the side is great. Neat colorful row of houses. You had a great day! Nice end at Passport cafe!

Jo -- Happy new year to you! My wife gave me some habanero sauce I'm looking forward to trying. We have a local Indian restaurant that bottles their habanero sauce and it's great for all sorts of things, not just adding a kick to Indian food. I also grew lots of "Peruvian white lightning" peppers.. little white habaneros. I freeze them and use them all year. That Christmas cactus looks so bright and cheery with the yellow and orange behind it... makes it seem like a warm sunny day. Cold and kinda gloomy and drizzly here today.

Fletch -- that submarine emblem is neat. Of course I like the fish!

Vivien -- old dog toy made me laugh... that's a good one. Good job on all three, nice shading on the paper towel.

Robin -- hi! 👋

Back in a little while w/ a sketch.
#5 something that grows ink, ink wash, inktense


I have a little pinhole camera hidden behind that sign... I replace it every 6 months, and did today.
It catches the sun going through the trees... maybe I'll post it if it looks interesting.
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Fletch: Thanks...That is a very unique submarine piece.

Ned: Thanks...Love your winter trees. I can't wait to see the result of pinhole camera.