Scavenger Hunt from Life #132: Oct 02 - Oct 10

Ned: Thanks... Wonderful sketch of those amazing giant rocks. I wish we can walk down the steep path to the tiny enchanted beach to sketch... and of course that we also be able to climb back up to main road easily and safely. Thanks for the photo.

Joan: Thank you... Wonderful trip sketches, from the plane and the train. Enjoy your time there on our behalf .... Pls. say Hello to Jerry too.

Jo & Robin & Fletch: Prayers & Hugs your way.

PineCone & all: Hello
JoC — I'm so sorry for what you guys are going through. My heart is with you both, and with your whole family. As I lurked a little recently, I saw an image of your loved ones all together, and thought what a beautiful and kind feeling there was in your photo. My prayers are with you and your beautiful family 🙏

Joe/Fletch — My heart is with you both as well, as evacuations begin, and impossible choices have to be made. May you both find the strength and peace you need together, and whatever you decide, know that all here are with you there. My prayers are with you both 🙏

Robin — My heart is with you to, and my prayers continue for you and all your area, so terribly ravaged as it has been. How quiet the SHs seem the last little while without your smiling, cheerful, hopeful voice 🙏

Ai and JoC — Thank you for hosting during these times of difficulty for so many SH people. Thank you for the encouragement to all and hugs and prayers for those in need. Your beautiful and loving good wishes are healing and restorative, and I'll never forget that you both were hosting with warmth and love for all 🙏

❤️ Everyone — Luv you all, please take care, and thank you all for your endless kindness and encouragement over the years, and for the hugs you offer to those in need 🙏
#3 (I think!): Binoculars:


This one was really tricky! Messed up the perspective a bit, and stretched the thing out, a persistent sin of mine that I seem powerless to control.
Hi everyone - thanks for your support. Glad the Hunts are carrying on.…….Good hearing from everyone traveling, hanging out at. Sports events, caring for loved ones, and sketching when possible… all are awesome group.
I was without power and water for six days. There are a couple small creeks here so i carried up buckets to wash and flush toilet. Not far from here however alot of houses slide down into the river and some lives were lost. Most downed trees i have ever seen. From waterlogged roots and wind though the wind wasn’t really bad.
Here’s a little sketch i caught while sipping coffee between the morning farmers market and work. 1- corner of room
Robin: Wow... it is such a blessing to see your sketch. Glad you are safe and your home was not at risk and your sketch truly depicts comfort. :love:
Robin. So glad to see you safe.👍🏽👍🏽

Try to be back later to comment on all the beautiful art here.
We are not evacuating. We are not in a mandatory zone. At the moment I have done as much as I can. I had a bad fall about a week ago. My leg has bent bothering me so went to doctor yesterday he wants X-rays. Tried to do that yesterday but X-ray tech was not available and it seems the whole county plans on closing up Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. So made appointment for Friday. Scheduler added “if we are still here” to the appointment. The anticipation is the worst. Current landfall is now 2am Thursday and we are buttoned up like it is this afternoon. Our house is shuttered and sealed except for the front entry. Close that up tomorrow night.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers
Brian — Wow, fantastic work!!!

ROBIN!!!😃😁☀️Ditto Ai's comments 😍

Joe/Fletch — Blessings for your hurt leg 🥺 Such a devastating situation, and the only way through is love and prayers and meditations. You two are so brave, you've been through these before together, so ditto Ai's comments 😌

{{{JoC}}} — Ditto Ai's comments 😍
Ned, glad to hear you are back and sketching. Love those big rocks and their awesome shapes. Will do my best to enjoy life here in Italy…now if only the weather would cooperate.
Yikes! I almost missed a whole page.

Ai, thanks.

Pine Cone, thanks for your kind words to everyone!

Brian, love the binoculars! Well shaded!

Robin, seeing posts from you and Fletch just made my evening. 😊 So glad to hear you are ok! Glad the creek nearby helped you out a bit. Nice corner of the room…looks comfy.

Fletch, good to see you, but so sorry you guys have to prepare for another storm. Sounds like you have things covered even with your injured leg. We are sort of isolated from a lot of the US news unless I go searching for it since I can’t figure out how to work the tv here. Keep us posted. Hope things go ok and you can get your leg looked at. All the best with all of it! Sending good vibes and saying a few prayers too,

I don’t have the list around so I’m just posting what I sketched today. It was raining all day so this sketch was done looking out the living room window.
I was going to try and deal with my fears for the SH people in trouble by doing the quiet task of going over the pencil sketch I did a few days ago with ink and posting it here.

But I didn't get to it yet because then I discovered that because of the slight "wobble" in the direction of the hurricane, it might now hit more strongly toward Joe and Sharon, and THEY ARE NOW IN AN EVACUATION ZONE.

I feel so helpless. How can they possibly evacuate? How can this be? Why can't I help? Or trade places with them?

Hard to know what to pray for, what to mediatate on, so I'm trying to remember that the Universe is vast, that a physics thing is that no energy (for me, that includes consciousness), no energy is ever lost, only transmuted.

And to remember that I love JoC and Gene and Joe and Sharon. Love is a prayer. Love is a meditation.

Love ❤💔❤️💔❤️💔❤️
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Wow. No news here. Just did MRI tonight. Hopefully a prognosis tomorrow. But we are OK and in no pain. I sketched and will post later.
Good to hear from all of you. Joan and Jerry have fun!
Robin amazing for you to sketch and sooo pleased you are safe.
Pine Cone thanks and hi. Was excited to hear from you.
Fletch prayers for you and Sharon.
Brian love the binoculars. I had great plans for that to cross post to Inktober.
Ned, Moscatel so great to see.
Hope I didn’t miss anyone. Back tomorrow.
Continuing with my InkTober2024 theme...

#4-b) light..a high heel shoe...keychain
#6 heavy...a pig shape...keychain


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Thanks, everyone!

I don’t like this weather heading toward Fletch and Sharon. Praying for them and anyone in Hurricane Milton’s path. Stay safe!

More from here in Venice. Joined up with a NYC Urban Sketchers member who is here for a few days.

Awesome sketches, Joan and friend. That looks fun !!! You got great depth, glowing shadows and colors, and gorgeous textures... down to the brick path...

Ned, Brian, and Grapes: Thank you.
It is the morning of October 10th in Thailand, so the new scavenger hunt is posted here. You still have time to add to this hunt too!

Joan -- that's fun that you met another sketcher there! I like the open feeling of light in that one. I think you are showing why people love WC. Hope you have great weather and light.

I don't like the way that hurricane looks either... stay safe Fletch and Sharon.