Scavenger Hunt from Life #131: Sept 24 - Oct 02


Well-known member
Scavenger Hunt from Life #131: Sep 24 - Oct 02

Welcome to the Scavenger Hunts from Life.
The Hunts were started in 2006 by Jamie Williams Grossman as a way to practice with prompts. Artists have come and gone while forming some lasting friendships. We hope you will join in and tune up your sketching skills. All levels and techniques are welcome. We hope you can have some good times here. You can travel the world seeing the sketches of items at hand by the artists.
If you’ve participated in at least one Scavenger Hunt and have time to host one we would really appreciate it. You can sign up by posting your name on the current hosting schedule in the Art From Life forum here:
Here are the rules for the Hunt:
*All everyday common items on the list must be sketched from life – not imagination or photo reference
*Each object you draw can count for only one item on the listless, no matter how many shapes/parts/colors that object contains. This was agreed on by unanimous vote among the participants.
*You may place multiple objects together in a drawing or painting, and may count these objects as separate items, but no single object can count for more than one item.
*All items posted must be numbered. Count them as you go. The first item you post will be #1 regardless of its place on the list. Do them in whatever order you wish, but count them in the order in which you sketch them, from 1 to 26.
*Do as many or as few of the items as you like. You don’t have to finish the entire list to participate. The Scavenger Hunt “week” will last for 9 days, with the next hunt starting on the 9th day.
*Please tell us your size, surface, medium, and the amount of time it took you for each sketch. We love hearing about your subjects and setups. Photos of your subjects are welcome.
*Have fun!

*** If you have some hunt sketches completed but little time to read/comment, please post your sketches anyway. Commenting is appreciated but not required

Scavenger Hunt from Life #131: Sep 24 - Oct 02


Free space#1
Free space#2
Books or things made from paper
Man made
Big Building / big structure
Small structure / cabin /cottage
Potted plant
One leg / one wheel
Two legs / two wheels
Three legs / three wheels
Four legs / four wheels
More than four legs / more than four wheels
No leg and no wheel but can still help you move from point A to point B i.e. a boat, a jetski etc.
Sand or pebbles
Rock or boulder
Your hand holding something
Person or People

Have fun… Let’s your mind run wild and show some smiles when you do these little sketches. Feel free to loosely interpret the item list, or use the help of association i.e. Food > dining > dining table > table > furniture and draw a furniture …. but offcourse tell us of your association. :)
Hi everyone and thanks for the new list Ai.
I did this yesterday in my Horizontal Format Moleskin Sketchbook. So saw it would fit this hunt perfectly. Because of the format of this sketchbook, I couldnt get it all into the photo. So sorry for the poor photo.The journal is my "Nature Journal" and measures 20cmx13cm opened out to a 2 page format it is 40cm wide.
We are in Spring here, so I sketched some of my Spring flowers.
1. Nature
2. Seasonal
Ai, thanks for the new list.

Vivien, I love your spring daffs! It is hard to take a photo of a double page in a sketchbook like that. I usually end up taking a photo of the whole thing and cropping it. If I want to put it on IG I need to keep whatever background I took the photo on because they will cut most of the sketch off otherwise. I know the daffs pop up here pretty early in the spring. Fall started here and we have the last of the summer flowers and the hearty autumn flowers.

1 - nature - watercolors


This was my plein air painting today. I need to add some darks and more color before I call it finished. It needs some shadows too. I ran out of time.
2 - man made (Ford truck) - watercolors and ink
3 - potted plants
4 - tree

Joan - Thank you.
I do love your plein air paintings! Great job on both of them especially the truck!
I have tried (through our awful, cold wet Winter) to go out and paint in my car, as youve explained how you do that. I wasnt very successful. Mostly, when I get to where Im going and park, my little dog Pippa, thinks "Yippee, we're here", and wants to get straight out for a walk. And when we get back from our walk, she thinks, "good we are away home now"! And she has a very loud persistent bark! I have tried going without her....but missed her so much, I gave up and went home again. One day I will succeed.
Gorgeous and super start of this Hunt: Vivian and Joan.

Thanks for your happy spring power, those flowers are beautiful. Hope one day you and Pippa find the right balance of being outside and sketching.

Joan: Wow... beautiful plein air and stunning truck painting. What is the size of this truck painting? I will definitely share this with Tone. He is a car guy !!!

Hello to Brian, Moscatel, Fletch, and all !!!
Vivien, I can't imagine trying to paint from your car with the dog in there with you unless you have a good sleeper. lol Your post made me chuckle. Thanks !

Ai, thank you. The painting is 8 x 10. It was in a garden center I go to all the time, but I never walked all the way to the back of the property. I'm glad I found it.

Brian, great shading on your paper plane!

Moscatel, I couldn't resist that rusty truck in the middle of so much green. :)
Same old me, looked and didn't post. Ai, thanks for the new Hunt!

Vivien, beautiful flowers. Looks like a good springtime for you. We are having pretend fall, still sooooo warm.

Joan, your nature painting is so nice. Can't imagine that it needs more. The old truck is so good. Lovely scene.

Brian, ahhhh, good start with the paper plane. You use your shading and hatching so well to get the 3-D look.

I sketched in my studio. A/C is fixed and a pleasant day outside but came in to sketch in the large Canson sketchbook with Micron 03.
Number 1, 3 legs - a wooden floor easel full of junk
Number 2, animal - another little bear

Joan, thanks. What a neat place for small structure. The umbrellas and plants/trees are so colorful and the whole sketch is so lively.

I sketched at Gene's PT (physical therapy) in the travel sketchbook with a Sharpie Gel pen. Smooth writing/drawing haven't used it much.
Number 3 something you can hold in your hand - tiny plastic dinosaurs from the receptionist's desk. Bright electric colors.
Number 4 potted plant - in the reception area about 6 feet tall with the tall planter.


Joan: lovely small fun festive small structures. Perfect. Wonderful depth and perspective.

Jo: Fantastic happy dino. in your hands.... Uhm... I seem to have these too... somewhere... Nice textures you created in ink with 3 types of them. Lovely potted plant sketch. Great 3 legs shelf, and very cute teddy sketch.

Brian: Nice shading of the paper plane.
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Jo, who would expect tiny dinosaurs at the reception desk in PT? What a fun find for a sketch! Nice capture of the tall plant in reception. Thanks for your comment.

Ai, thanks so much. Just watched a news segment on your new "star" at the zoo there. Seems your new baby hippo is quite a sensation and drawing huge crowds...and maybe a sketch some day. :)
Hi artbuddies -
Ai- thanks for list, happy hunting!!
Vivien - nice perkie spring growth!! glad you got out a bit
Joan - lovely watercolors.....that truck is a large planter!!! Love the deck with all the potted plants! I
Jo C- glad to see the the leaf "language" on the last one- so fragile and tenuous....
Brian - pretty cool paper get alot outta pencils!!!! love it!

supposed to rain here for the next two days.....good cuppa tea & book weather....
Helene Update: This is a huge major storrm. Sharon and I have been extremely lucky so far with little rain. We seem to be spending most of our time in the gaps between rain bands due to the track. Folks east of us are getting almost constant rain as they are stuck in the bands of rain.
We are the blue dot. You can see how when the storm moves north and rotates we will mostly be in dry band.


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Glad to hear from you Fletch! Stay safe.

Sketched out on the east porch where we have the BBQ so not screened in.
Number 5 and 6 - large structure and small structure, about 1/3 page in the large 9 x 12 inch Canson Mixed Media sketchbook and Micron 03
