Scavenger Hunt from Life #131: Sept 24 - Oct 02

Vivien - Pretty daffodils. Wide narrow format does look tough to photograph. Does camera have panoramic maybe? Painting with a fog does sound like a real challenge.

Joan. - Love all the greens in that hillside. Cool lid truck. Like the ink work on that patio scene.

Brian - Fabulous shading on the paper plane.

Jo - Great textures with the pen. Easel full of junk would fit in with our décor. Cute dinosaurs. Great hatching on the plant. Nice little watercolor. Like how you gave the mountains texture.

Robin - Stay safe. Prayers are with you.

Keep sketching
Jo & Joan: Yes, MooDeng baby hippo is quite famous, I wish to go sketch there but with its popularity, now they only allow less than 3 min. for each patron to stop by the cage area... And it is super crowed, esp. on the weekend.... So I probably cannot do it, and the zoo is about 2.5 hours from my home. I hope by the time, I could travel to see MooDeng, she will still be super cute.

Jo: Love both structures, got the warm cozy country feel to it.

Robin & Fletch: Stay safe.
#1 my hand holding a small wood craft turtle ...its neck can move a


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#2: Man made.
Been wanting to have a go at this can opener for a while, and now I finally had an excuse - I like these very open-ended prompts. :) Of course, I have also been terrified of this humble object, and it turned out even more difficult to draw than I feared it would be. I committed my usual sins of stretching things out too much, and being unable to"see" the perspective, and exactly how the thing sits in 3D space.

2024 Can opener HB pencil.JPG
Robin, thanks so much. Hope you are feeling better now.

Jo, I didn't hear about naming the baby hippo. Will be listening to hear what the name ends up being. I like your large and small stuctures. Glad you have some good views from home. We are having some showers lately. I didn't sketch (Did I say that???) yesterday. I'm trying to finish up a few paintings that I need to get ready for a show that is happening right after we get back from Venice. Also I've been trying to finish shopping for the trip and getting some of the items Jerry needs to bring with him. He likes to wait for the last minute. lol

Fletch, I see your blue dot. Glad most of the rain seems to be missing you. Let's hope it stays on track. Stay safe! These storms are scary.

Ai, what a cute turtle in your hand. You have so many interesting items to sketch.

Brian, looks like your opener is a handy one and can open pretty much anything! Nice shading on the opener and the shadow too!

I'm hoping to get something done today. :)
Ai - that is a cute little turtle both in your hand and in your sketch.

Brian - See no faults from here. Shading is beautiful. Conveys the metal texture and looks like it could be picked up!

Off to eye doctor for annual glaucoma field test. Hopefully home in time to do a little art or at least comment some more.
Ai, love the little turtle. Sweet.

Brian, wow on the opener. So metallic and looks very useful. You did a super job.

Fletch, happy you missed the brunt of the storm. Friend in Tallahassee, haven’t heard from her yet, but they probably don’t have power.

Thanks on my house and shed. I was happy to get outside. I was going to sketch outside at the Physical Therapy but an infestation of crickets. I’ll see if they are there still today. Crazy.