Scavenger Hunt from Life #116: May 27 - June 4

Thanks everyone for your kind support.

Fletch: very charming birdhouse.... and the bottle is very elegantly done.

Jo: Wonderful depth for the car garage, the colored version comes out nice too. Great job with the camera and the xmas cactus.

Joan: Wow, you have so many wonderful scenes, beautifully captured. I love them all, the sign, the market with hat person, the flowers, and the outdoor umbrella. Stunning freespace with building and greens.
Joan, the Port Jeff house looks elegant. The flowers are so pretty. You have me looking to see which style you chose and trying to figure why you picked that one.. 😎

Ai, your food paintings usually leave me hungry and wanting some. While you rendered this well in oil pastel, biting into a lemon is not on a lunch or snack menu for me🫢

#3 camera -Used Jo’s point and shoot comment to dig one out. An old Yashica sketched in 9x12 sketchbook with HB graphite pencil.


Keep sketching
Fletch, if I have enough time I usually go for just watercolors, but sometimes the scene is too busy and the details get lost if I don't use ink too. I like your sketch of the camera. I have an old camera. I'll have to see if I can find it.

9 - free space - direct watercolor (These irises were in a garden at the beach today.)



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Ai, Love seeing the mangosteen. I looked it up and it sounds good to eat. Must be a taste contrast as well as a color contrast with the lemons. Beautifully done.

Joan, your leaves look lovely with the flowers. Delightful. I've always liked irises and these have a lovely purple. I find that hard to find in my watercolors.

Hi Fletch, happy to see you still have a camera as well. Nice shadows and shapes and all shading.

Today was no art and finished with baseball. Our Longhorns won their first game of the Regional starting the "Road to Omaha", the College World Series which requires many more wins to get to the finals.
Joan: Thanks... So lovely Irises... and the pinecone tree too. The red flowers (poppy ?) and leaves are beautiful.

Fletch: Thanks... Lovely camera sketch.... Now it is so special thing in life now as we all are so use to our cellphone as a camera.

Jo, Joe1, Nedl: Thank you for your kind words.

#5 freespace-1 ... a directwatercolor sketch of our pizza man in front of the big oven ... around 10 min. while waiting for our food.

Jo, thanks. Some days you just don't get to do art...and some days you make up for it. Glad your team won.

Ai, thank you. Good use of your time while you waited for your pizza. Nice direct watercolor. Are you taking part in the challenge?
10 - substitute for dinosaur - ink

Today a friend and I went to what was an event that was a "historical reenactment" of the era of Teddy Roosevelt & the Rough Riders. There were people dressed in period garb and someone dressed as Teddy Roosevelt. In addition there were competitions on horseback There were a lot of horses to sketch and some historical items including this carriage from 1903.

11 - carriage door - direct watercolor
Joan and NelL: Thank you.

Joan: Yes, I am joining Directwatercolor challenge.... super cute dino. substitution... great carriage door.
#6 flowers ... a table decoration at my art group 14 year anniversary exhibition, in which I got 2 sketches shown also as me is a part of BangkokSketcher's founders. My sketch was so rough as I don't have pinkish red and I was squeezing in time, while greeting people in the busy event.



And here are photos of me at my group 14th Anniversary
show...with 2 of my paintings done from life on display.




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After sketching all the horses yesterday I'm posting a bonus sketch.


Last night I went to the reception for the South Bay Art Association's Annual Membership Show. It was judged and ribbons were awarded in different categories. I was delighted to find out that my painting, "Down to the Bay," was awarded first place in watercolors. My painting is at the top of the photo.

Ai, the Pizza guy is pretty cool it has an abstract quality to it.the different colors and shapes. Good wishes with the direct watercolor challenge. Flowers look pretty even without the pink. Congratulations to your Urban Sketchers group on their anniversary. Love the picture with Tone and the girls. You have. Beautiful Family

Joan, the lobster looks yummy and as long as they have been around they could be from the dinosaur era. The carriage is a clever find for door and looks interesting. Thanks for adding the Rough Riders. Congratulations on the blue ribbon!

Nice to see photos of both of you with your art

Hope to get something drawn today.🤞🏽
Keep sketching,
#4 flower - plastic daisy Continuing to play with water soluble HB graphite. It feels so different even just sketching dry on dry paper and gets shades darker when wet.


Keep sketching
I sketched at my desk in the BookFactory sketchbook with a Micron 03.
Number 4 dinosaur - some old rocks, maybe not quite as old as dinosaurs but who knows. The rose rock is from Oklahoma and the others from water -- beach in Nova Scotia, river in glacier park, Rio Grande in New Mexico ??? Hmmm.

I did this and never hit send. Then a bit ago I was on my iPad and hit send, but the photos were on my computer so will try again from my computer to add the photos.


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Joan: Your horse piece is exquisite, as well as your award winning painting. Congratulations. It is so nice to see your happy pic with the winning painting.

Fletch: Thank you so much. Lovely daisy. I love flower power from you.

Jo: Wonderful rocks, esp. the rose rock is so gorgeous and rare. So nice to see your sketch of it.
Ai, the direct colors of the Pizza guy is so good, a little abstract but the idea is superb. The drinks and flowers are so pretty, too. I like the colors you used. Congrats on the show. And..... the photo of your family is amazing. I can't believe your daughters have grown up with us. I feel like a grandmother to them. Sigh..... Hugs all around.

Joan, love your lobster dinosaur. Cool sketch. The carriage and Rough Riders were a special find for this Hunt. Applause. Congratulations on your prize! 🏆

Fletch hope you get to sketch. (Me, too.) Oh you did. Fun flower. I haven't ever tried the soluble graphite. I have enough problems with watercolors!
Wow time is just flying by! I've been going on longer hikes and doing yard work and gardening but don't know where all the days went. Today was a graduation party for my daughter's friend. Here are some comments, hopefully will sketch something before this hunt is over! Everyone here has been busy!!!

Joe1 -- I think you captured the sense of those leaves! Good for you drawing in public. I have never drawn at a McDonald's or any place like it.... I'd be worried about people thinking I'm staring at them! :)

Fletch -- that birdhouse seems familiar, it's a nice keepsake to remember your brother and I like the sketch. I like the top of bottle -- good dark and highlight. Good job on the camera... I'm also thinking of getting one of my antique cameras out to draw. I tried using water soluble graphite to mark the edges of photographic prints ( it didn't work for what I wanted... once it dries it can't be erased, just like regular pencil ) but never tried to draw with it. Like the flower you drew with it.

Jo -- I was imagining Gene going 9 miles on his trike :) that's about twice as far as I usually walk! There's something about just drawing what is right in front of you where you happen to be. I like the colors you put into it. Yay another camera, okay I'm going to go get mine out. I have a photographer acquaintance who told me she tries never to photograph poison oak, and ever since then I've tried to exclude it too, but I like the colors in yours. I might catch it just by looking at your drawing though. :) I'll bet those rocks are older than any dinosaurs!

Joan -- the ice palace is great, I noticed how the darkest color trees are also the most distant, and how well it works. Farmer's market is well done and I like the bright direct watercolors! The Port Jefferson house is amazing. Love the colors in the irises and poppies ( I think? ) Dinosaur sub lobster made me laugh :) I like the sketch. I'm impressed with the form of the carriage with all darks -- makes the gold trim stand out too. Thanks for showing us the "bonus" horse sketch, it's great!

Ai -- like the OP tree and the bottle has nice shading. I knew that OP=oil pastel, but it took me a minute to realize what CP is! The fruit is great, I didn't know what mangosteen is and had to look it up. Yay for the pizza man,

Ai and Joan -- so fun to see both of you with your art on display. Congratulations Joan on the 1st place! :)
Fletch, thank you. Nice sketch of the daisy. Water soluble graphite does get some good darks and lights when it is wet...a fun medium.

Jo, the rose rock looks like it has petals. I always find rocks interesting...such unusual shapes and feel to them.

Ned, thanks so much for your comments. I hope you got to sketch today.

Since I did quite a lot of sketching yesterday, I decided to take a break and go to the pool. I had my iPad with me because I was reading on it. I took a break from reading and did a Procreate sketch there.

12 - tiny child
13 - huge pool
Thanks so much for kind words NeDL, Joan, and Jo: Yes... the girls are bigger than me now, esp. the little one, Lily...LOL Not much sketch done today as I have to catch up on works but hope to get some things done more in a wee-bit attempt...