RIP Jack Vettraino


Well-known member

He died a few days ago at the age of 73. I would say there's a strong possibility that he gave me the push to not only please myself, but to exit one's personal ivory tower and please the viewer as well, and if for nothing else, I thank him for that.
I’ve long had mixed feelings about Jack Vettriano’s work. At first glance I think I should admire his Film Noir style (filtered through a British sensibility) and of course :giggle: his often erotic imagery. I’ve come upon admirers comparing his work to Edward Hopper… but Hopper had a far greater formal compositional sense. I think the problem I have is that his work reminds me of many other artists from illustrators from the 40s-60s to any number of contemporary figurative painters… but the work doesn’t hold up in comparison: the colors, the compositions, and the handling of paint all seem to fall short IMO. Even so… I do find myself looking at the work from time to time and wouldn’t want to completely dismiss his work following his death.

RIP :cry: