Turning The Page


Turning The Page.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Jan 20/24
Wanting to move into my own realm instead of copying what I see. I went back to where I was about twenty five years ago. I met this old guy at a gallery and he said my stuff was stiff. It was, but nothing compared to his. One day I showed him one where I outlined every thing in thick black lines and he thought it was really good stuff. I did some for awhile but gave it up. I am not going back to black lines but I went back to see it it would spark something I had lost: the sense of adventure in painting. This came about and with it came thoughts for the next piece. That is a good start to me. When the days painting sparts something that makes me look forward to painting tomorrow's piece. You know, like Picasso; one before breakfast. My grandpa did that: one before breakfast. His was a shot of brandy and egg. He live to 101. I tried it but that is too much of a buzz for 6 in the morning.
My dad learned from your grandad evidently about starting his morning! I like your painting, different. The first person I saw outlining on TV was Elke Sommer. Its a fun thing to do. You've been jumpstarted.
Thanks Jo. I think it was an old Russian idea of producing good health. I know it was really old health belief.
I prefer your knife flowers, but this one has a style of its own. I do like it.💖❤️🌸
Thank you Sno. Not to worry, the knife will not be forgotten. This is just the raw idea without any juice. Flat plane if you will without the light. Maybe even poster art. It would look real cool on a 6 x 4 foot support.
Well, I adore it. I have always liked outlines; they just don't dismay me like they do with some folks. It punches things up somehow - oh, I wish I could nail a better explanation, but apparently I can't. ;) But this palette, the composition, it all looks fabulous to me. You mentioned a flat plane; I quite like this.

More please. ❤️
Yeah, I like this direction, too. But then again, I happen to favor outlining everything because I’m a cartoon! It’s what holds me together so I don’t go flying off into outer space.

And if it’s “just an experiment,” then well…there’s nothing wrong with that either. It all makes me wonder if you know Suzanne Valadon’s work, who happens to be one of my favorite “old timey” artists. Although her figurative paintings are pretty great, if you google “Suzanne Valadon flowers,” you’ll see how she painted flowers in vases. They’re colorful, textured, beautifully constructed, and her bold line work goes in and out behind the colors so that the weight of the lines have this lovely sensuousness. (Or something). That’s how *I* read her anyway….but I don’t know…maybe you’ll hate her.

But whenever she pops into mind (like now), I’ll go and look at her again and sigh. She makes me want to become an artist who paints flowers in vases but I can’t, because I’ll just kill them. So its best to leave them in better hands…
Beautiful work Wayne, I think that this one hits a home run. Love the outline and shapes within (and picture within the picture). Great staff.

Have a good one.

I love this. It's surely different than your usual here, but it's got STYLE! YOUR own style. And your own voice. That's important. I'm glad you're revisiting it. I'd love to see more. ♥️
I'm a big fan of thick black outlines in paintings. It gives things impact. Actually, I'm planning something at the moment that will have them.And I really like this painting - the composition and the viewpoint too. It's good to try something different every once in a while.
Thank you Olive. I will look her up once I finish up here. Having my coffee and on my iPad. Lazy bones me, just crawled out of my bed.

Thanks Zoran.

Thank you Ayin. Saw a murder show on tv a day ago and it was done in Joshua Tree. If I remember, you live there or there about. I dont know if was real or just filmed there but I’m thinking real as it was one of those investigator shows.

Thanks Kay.
Yes, I live in Joshua Tree, and it's a small town. When/if there is a murder here, we would know about it. ;)
I looked up Joshua Tree and they seem to have a rate of crime higher than the
US average. Weird for a small place. But then statistics can lie if compiled by the wrong hands.
I'd like to know where you found that. My home town is Los Angeles. This place is like Mayberry in comparison. Also, I'm between two bigger towns: Yucca Valley and Twentynine Palms where the crime is mostly happening. We don't even have a store here.
In Google, I just typed in crime rate in Jushua Tree ... but like I said . then statistics can lie if compiled by the wrong hands.