Moscatel , thank you for the kind words on the design and the choice of subject. and for your words about it.
the girl ,Ruby, the name of the Moroccan girl,
there was a trial for aggravated extortion and aiding and abetting child prostitution, the press called it rubygate. her defense in that trial and that she gave her money but only because he helps people in need.
, but the press spoke little of these processes and other processes and things, of the various things, right at the beginning, for the various facts his name was burnt, the senate almost 10 years ago voted for his dismissal, because there were other trials against him, 10 years ago, he had been definitively convicted of fraud, he had escaped hundreds of millions of euros with his TVs, black funds, etc., they had declared him forfeited but for 8 or 9 years, therefore for a year he has returned as if nothing had happened and it is in the government that he has won the coliction of 3 parties including his own.
I forgot, I wrote it wrong, no the girl, she was born in Morocco of Moroccan parents and has never been in Egypt, she has no relatives in Egypt, it was a lie, by the former prime minister, he was prime minister for many years, a year ago he proposed himself as president of the republic but they didn't do it, incredible however that his name was seriously talked about.., then they confirmed the outgoing president that they didn't agree with any other name.