Kay - My comment to you should have said "on such light paper".
Please excuse any tardiness of my replies; I am having work done in my home. Ironically, it is painting! First there was a lot of wallpaper removal, which is the devil's invention. Several rooms, ceilings, etc. are being painted, and this is the third week. So we have been scurrying about moving furniture, cleaning, and transferring bits and bobs from one room to the next. Between doing our regular workouts, getting groceries and the like, I have done no art at all for almost a month. I missed all of the monthly challenges, etc. Wednesday they finally finished, staying past 7:00 PM. HUGE cleanup now - I am barely sane. We bought the house in 1991 and did nearly nothing to the house that was not necessary until a few years ago. The last few days we did a lot of cleaning, so things are better now. A lot of small things were missed in the big project, which is to be expected. It is nearly impossible to get house painters; we waited for months.
I really wanted to do a piece for many challenges here and on another forum. I started my A & W very early May, then got the call the painters had scheduled us. Oddly enough, the bathroom work that we have been waiting on since the beginning of the year wanted to start the same day as the painters, but we are letting that wait. They both called within minutes of each other wanting to start the same day. What are the chances?!
Perhaps spring is a busy month for many, with yard work and the nicer weather. So maybe that and holidays, weddings, graduations etc. could have many of the regularly participating artists busy with other obligations.