Snoball, thank you very much, glad you liked the drawings, yes, I have to stop shopping
paints and not to use them

, tomorrow I open the gauche box and start using them (I also write it here as a note, so I do it, taking notes / calendar or deciding first thing, it's easier and I have no excuse to forget it, then some things , even pens, or albums, sometimes it was just starting, starting with the first pristine sheet to see then it was nice to use)
Artyczar, thank you very much, glad you like the cup too. and for those markers, it is nice and particular to use them (using the first one, the one with the soft tip was particular and curious, I immediately liked that they vary the size of the stroke, even if they require habit, but nice invention), nice that you like them and what you say they are reminiscent of painting, so using them is something that can help with both drawing and habituation to other medium.
after I add last drawings.