X-post Pastel and Coloured Pencil Horse In the Clouds


Contributing Member
Hi I thought I would share this commission I did years ago.
It was very large, it was done on brown drawing paper. I was working night and day at the time with my job, also working on call. And I had to get this done in a week! I’m proud of it because it turned out really well and I just didn’t know I could do it. Also it was a mix of mediums I put together and never tried before. It’s coloured pencil and pastel. I worked from a sepia colour photo that was given to me. My friend was surprising his girlfriend with this picture of her horse who was standing up on a hill and it looked like the horse was in the clouds. It was a wonderful photograph to work from. When I was done I did not want to have to part with it, but there you go! I did try the fixative spray-it really changed the colour, darkened areas even though I tried to do it with light touches in layers. I had to go back and lighten up the pastel areas.
Stunning in every way. What a great accomplishment! What size? You just stated, "very large".
Thanks so much, Joy! This was a good reminder to myself to push myself to try new things. I’ve been doing that a lot more in the last 10 years and it really helps. Sure, once in a while you’re going to push too far, but you’re also going to have breakthroughs too.🙂