yes, I meant that fluency would take time, practice,
not speaking for some time Italian the fact that he can read it and make it understood I think it's a beautiful thing, and possibly there is also Spanish, then really with English and Spanish I think it covers almost the whole globe, you are covered with language, with communication and this is very important.
hai ragione sullo spagnolo,
questo non potrei tradurlo neanche volendo... scriverei in maniera più incomprensibile del solito .
ricordo che da piccolo vedevo un programma dove dicevano che per parlare spagnolo, bastava aggiungere la s alla fine di ogni parola ...
per dire la somiglianza delle lingue....
poi che non era vero in realtà della s l'ho scoperto che ero già grande... ma questo non lo diciamo .pensavo di conoscere lo spagnolo invece parlavo in italiano ma aggiungevo la s alle parole. che fregatura .che delusione.
I also agree that you said about the confusion about learning Spanish and Italian together because with the sketch I was trying to read more, it often happens that text is in English especially in English, forums or books, I had taken 4 books, a couple taking advantage of a offer, some terms that I am trying to learn I read them both in English and in Italian, so when I try to remember them or I don't remember them or in the other language ...