today I tried caricature again. I have put off doing them for years because I'm afraid to learn bad habits, I think I should measure better and more, with caricatures I don't think that matters otherwise, then I don't know exactly, but things like that. but doing them quickly, doing something else, as you say, is good to experiment, practicing this is a way, this time I did it for 1/3 of the time last time, and I think that caricature can help to see the subject more, maybe it helps in that phase or in any case it's fun, I think that for longer, complete drawings (i.e. finished, defined at least a little) in the end it is like normal drawings, the point is, I should know how to do, or improve shading, but gari learning to ink could be a way for both of us. but yesterday I did a drawing that I had started, it was one of the examples in the book. this drawing was in red, I don't know if it was in sanguine, among the pencils I have, I thought about the carmine red I have in the colored pencil set, but then I thought that it was different or that I could not darken it much, so I thought about changing the pencil to finish it, it came to me like this made with this color, deep english red (carbothello the brand, the brand is great, taken more than a year ago, and which charcoals and the like with chalazion I prefer not to use them) I wonder about the color, if it's ok for figure or portrait, if it's ok as an alternative to sanguine, if it's a matter of taste or better sanguine now I upload the photo of the drawing I copied