last things and other things.

Once again Joe for the win! I'm liking the caricatures and the cartoons, also the gestures are great. (y)
thanks, I made these with pen, first even a couple of pages in pen without drawings

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yesterday I made other figures. poses from video 13,
the first is from 12, 12 has extreme freak, so funny, curious video, glimpses, extreme particular optical effects, made the first out of curiosity, because I wanted to practice more common, classic poses, to exercise positions that you find more often to see better proportions, try to get used to it.
however it can be a curious video if you are looking for particular views.

in the first sheet, I did not make the largest figure starting from the head, my habit (so I noticed that this is important to regulate myself, I tried several times to try a way to draw the figure but the head must remain the constant), this change led me to draw 3 noses, 4 breasts ...

today a little by chance I saw some drawings of a mouse in pen, ballpoint. I thought maybe to try it again often. tried a little with page with him that I had

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I didn't draw, I didn't have to post new drawings but I meant that I met him, baby yoda, he was shopping, he was at the supermarket, they were selling star wars stuff ..
I didn't get it, € 15, but a moment ....
a nice thing apart from food and lemon popsicles I got it,
he knew a very nice little plant, taken for his mother.

Hello, sorry,

I wanted to ask more out of curiosity or in case it is a color very close to blue indigo (blue indigo, / blue indico) because or the blues of the colored set, I have a couple, both light and even darker or normal, to use, black etc.

I wanted to ask if this shade can be like indago blue, would it be similar to all designs in indago blue? If it can be worth it as a spare, then I really don't know where to put more pencils so eventually I wouldn't take more, I wonder why they only have one for a long time
and I had saved links and other brands that I have never found in stores and that have ended up online in the last few weeks.

This is pen nna, it is that color but I must not take pens.
ehttps: // coliid = I2INBDIKY44QXL & colid = 1CX5JFTA4FGH0 & psc = 1 & ref_ = lv_ov_lig_dp_it

I was curious about this which is pencil, price ok I think but maybe it's light or similar to how I have them.

there is Prussian blue which is another color that I do not know but perhaps intrigues
even if prefer dry

metallic blue, metallic I don't know the meaning, maybe very bright

this prussian blue,

then there were other brands and blue but currently they are finished or they sell single colors for 7 or 10 euros or more.

As my choice I had thought that I should use all the stuff I already have (but to decide I wanted to ask and I had doubts about those shades that I can't know them or get an idea of how they would be)
I'm intrigued by these 3 to choose from (if it can be similar to indigo blue that's what convinced me).

I am not the person to ask about the colors, but I wanted to tell you I liked your last set of drawings of the cartoons, especially the Bugs Bunny. I have a tattoo of Bugs Bunny on my forearm (it was my first one) and he is dancing and wearing pajamas.
Artyczar, thank you very much, I'm glad you liked them, yes, warner gave fantastic characters (and stories, films),bugs bunny and duffy duck , and other :)
I was thinking of drawing, trying more than I always saw them on TV but I drew them a few times. yesterday i saw a drawing, colored cartoon with 5 or 6 of them running away (tazman wanted to eat them) and i thought i'd try a part of them, these 3 faces.
and sometimes I just, I write to look for Chuck Jones draws that are fantastic, to remember to see them or draw them, I'm taking the opportunity to see them now and they are really beautiful.
I really like your Disney and Warner Bros. cartoons Joe. As for the colors, you are showing some beautiful Prussian blues, they will have a greenish cast to the blue and it will just depend on how dark you want. Manganese and Cobalt will be an almost turquoise and will work nicely along with Prussian, but they are much lighter. Colors are such fun to play with. If you ever get a chance to go into an art and craft store, you will find colored pencils sold separately and you can see the actual color better by looking at an individual color. Have fun!

PS, I like the guy you just posted. I think I may know him. ;)
Snoball, thank you very much, I'm glad you like both cartoon and man, thanks for the clarifications on the colors. even on seeing them live, now it is not possible for me, but in case I observe them, you are right (yes, the single, blue in bulk and then eventually return when it is consumed) thanks, Prussian blue also looks like a blue, a beautiful color, so possibly a nice choice. last thing Delfterblau, the first one I posted it is a kind of turquoise then that you then recommend eventually together with Prussian blue Thanks again . heartfelt thanks for everything.

i made these (pen green and sharpener) on
sketchbook a5, colored pencil for highlighter green pen (used green, but also a little yellow, in the upper part). with pencil instead the pencil sharpener.


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