Getting a little Busy in Here


Hi All,

Just asking for everyone to be a little patient with me as new members are coming on board lately. I can only really tend to the forum (realistically) in the early mornings during the week. I can do a bit more here and there of course, but that is the main time I can commit. If anyone wishes to help out with moderating, please step up and let me know. I mainly need people to get rid of spambots and approve members as they sign up. Nothing too heavy. In the meantime, please bear with me if I can't get back to you in a timely manner.

Thanks! :)
Sorry about that K, I was having an issue with setting up permissions and it made it so that passwords weren't working, but I finally figured it out. ;) I have you set to moderate the Watercolor Forum. Let me know if you'd like to moderate more than the one forum. And thank you!