Country Road 2



11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Jan 21/24 ... This one failed in my opinion for being too far toward expressionism and not close enough to real in a non-photo realistic view. Perhaps tomorrow's will be the inbetween piece I am looking for. This was a desperation move on my part as I painted it almost like the first so I scraped the paint off and relaid another version. I think it's workable but not what I am after.
We're all our own worst critics - I just looked at and commented on #1 in this series to say pretty much the same as I'm thinking now. I LOVE this one - thought you'd say you're a lot closer to your vision here. I really like how the apex of your triangle has the lighter values to lead the eye down your country road. Quite nifty!

Your knife strokes look much looser here, too, giving a more abstract feel. I agree you're much closer here. I just love this one. I hope you're lining these up as you go so you can see your progression. What a fun lineup of paintings that would be when you're done with the series!
I like the looseness of this one too and think it would look like a landscape even without the clue of the title. This one does feel very expressionistic - the trees just flow together as one mass with all those interlocking strokes. It looks much more real the farther from my screen I get. Way to go!

Thank you Terri and Donna.
Close but just the other side of where I think I want to go. Yes, I am keeping tabs on how my progression is and what I do to get there. A lot of it on the pc side of things before I paint my reference.

Frederic Fiebig .. this guy has some nice stuff.

Well, it is definitely more abstracted,but I like the first one much the best.😊
I like this one more than #1, maybe because of the yellow flowers? Not sure, but not a failure at all in my mind at all. ♥️