Finding The Road To Discovering The Artist


Lost Edges.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted March 28/24 .. the series will be RTD .. standing for Road To Discovery so RTD II is next up.
I am working on my palette but there are a few other problems I incurred. I decided to attack one of the problems that looked me into the eye when I was going through my paintings of the year. What was of particular note was my disability fo get good edges. So what's the problem. Here, after struggeling with my edges, I decided to lose the edges and it gave me what I think is a good piece. Howerver, that is not the answer. I need to solve the problem. I need to use lost edges at times but that is what it is. I will scope it out with google and find my desired point of action. Tomorrow I will again work on my palette and edges. Till then, enjoy your life. You never know when your card it pulled but that's another story.
It is really lovely. I love the flowers, your lost edges do need some work but I have confidence that you will work it out. ❤️ 🌸
Better to be on the road to discovery than standing still and thinking there’s nothing left to learn. I like this one, lost edges and all. Maybe some of the edges aren’t exactly lost but more interrupted, definitely interesting.
Thanks Donna. Always learning and relearning. I once heard a guy say he didn’t make bad paintings anymore because he was too well informed to do such a thing. I thought he was a pompous jackass to ever have such a thought let alone to express it.
This is lovely, and those lost edges come across as part of the charm for me. The vase has more of an interrupted line kind of feeling, and I like that.

I'm all about reading your thoughts while you experiment, and these paintings are certainly direct from those thoughts. Fun!! ❤️ (Cause all I have to do is follow along, not paint!)
Thanks Donna. Always learning and relearning. I once heard a guy say he didn’t make bad paintings anymore because he was too well informed to do such a thing. I thought he was a pompous jackass to ever have such a thought let alone to express it.
Wow - what a statement! Sounds like someone who is close to losing total spontaneity of expression. Or so technically perfect as to have little soul.
Thank toy Terri. I was thinking of one of your slide pieces [the tree] when I decided to really lose the edges.
Thank toy Terri. I was thinking of one of your slide pieces [the tree] when I decided to really lose the edges.
Cool!! I can *almost* see the connection there, but you certainly took it to a different level. :)
I think my level was below yours, but thank you. I should have swiped the flowers more to match the jug.