Addendum to first explanation:
As I tried to explain in the first post here, this was done in sort of stages,with big sweepers first, eyes closed, then I looked and picked out the sails and hull of the boat, and then closed eyes and restricted smaller pencil marks to the water area mainly.
Then I looked a coulple of times to see what was happening as I was going along; then opened eyes and focused and connected shapes by adding lines and reinforceing others.
I think I had the support flat most of the time, especially for the small stuff at the end, and the same orientation throughout.
As I tried to explain in the first post here, this was done in sort of stages,with big sweepers first, eyes closed, then I looked and picked out the sails and hull of the boat, and then closed eyes and restricted smaller pencil marks to the water area mainly.
Then I looked a coulple of times to see what was happening as I was going along; then opened eyes and focused and connected shapes by adding lines and reinforceing others.
I think I had the support flat most of the time, especially for the small stuff at the end, and the same orientation throughout.