August 2024 Water Media Challenge- Join the fun/ all welcome!

Thanks Joy. I like the Canson sketchbook for ink and regular sketching. I really dislike Strathmore pastel paper. I didn't do any drawing, just water and angled brush. I "almost" had fun with this sketch today. Evil grin.
Well, I’m so glad you both have enjoyed Canada so much. Wow to all your touring! I’m from rural southwestern Ontario and we are known for being so friendly, people don’t think it’s genuine. They get suspicious. That’s happened loads of times. It’s also been the safest place in Canada for years. I think it tied for a place in British Columbia once. I found it difficult coming into the city because I found Toronto area people were very suspicious if you said hello to them. It’s not everywhere, but I definitely found it in some places. It made me quite homesick and boy do I know Waterloo well! Ilived there for years and just recently moved away. We would love to return, but the costs have really jumped there and we were reno-victed by landlords. I grew up about 35 to 40 minutes north of Waterloo on a hobby horse farm. Mennonite country!
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I played in the water. I'm feeling a bit more comfortable. This is in a Strathmore Bristol Vellum sketchbook, 100 lb paper smooth. Doesn't say for water, but I have a few in there and I like it better than my mix media Canson sketchbook that is supposed to take water. Ha. This is about 9 x 12 inches. The shadows are more reddish in the dark greens than shows here.

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Jo, looks very lovely indeed. And you are so right. Sometimes some papers really do surprise you. It worked very well here!
I have started 2 paintings right now. Doing them as fast as my health allows.
OK, this is great having our first painting! We’re off to the races folks!!👏🏻👏🏻🙂🙂
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I painted the two kitties with gouache on paper. I don't know how to paint with gouache but I try learning while painting. I have 5 colors and white.
The first pic is block-in kind of like shapes and indicating shadow. I post it here:

There's an oil painting on the other side of the paper and oil is showing through.
The final gouache painting of the two kitties:

Size is about a hand size so quite small.

PS. I'm sad that I couldn't fit to the paper their tails because I really like the cat tails.
Sirkka, as you know i have been consumed with another matter on this site. That is why I have not had time to produce any more art. This photo seemed difficult to me, as there was not a clear focal point, but the colorful rendering you did is excellent. The "removal" of the tails really added to the composition and the color choices really pop. This is so fresh looking - hard to believe it is so small. Wonderful directional brushstrokes.
The final gouache painting of the two kitties:
View attachment 42443

Size is about a hand size so quite small.

PS. I'm sad that I couldn't fit to the paper their tails because I really like the cat tails.
Sirrka-You captured the cats-tails or no tails! Thank you for showing us how you built up the layers. It’s quite fun with Gouache, it can do slightly different things you can do than watercolour. And it’s neat working that way. Years ago it was used for professional posters for its properties. Did you like the experience using the gouache? So glad you gave it a try. You captured the cat’s gestures and gave them twitching life with the treatment of their fur, lines/ strokes. Your simple palette with the blue is striking, graphic. Great job! I hope you continue with the gouache. You already have a knack for it and you can do a lot of fun things with it.👏🏻
Thanks PaintBoss! When I purchased gouache colors I thought I'd like them but so far they are very painful to use. I keep trying.
- moscatel
Keep playing around with them and expect them to act differently than watercolor. You can build on more layers. And I like the fact that you can go from dark to light unlike watercolor. Experiment!🙂
Jo, your flowers are fresh and beautiful. I use Strathmore Bristol Vellum a lot. Mostly for colored pencil.
Moscatel, Yor kitties look great. I haven't mastered watercolors much less gauche. -Looks like you are doing fine with it.--------------------------------
Queen Bee, thanks!
I don't use watercolor so I have no idea how they function.

PaintBoss, I'm too busy with my oil painting projects so occupied that I don't have 12 hours per day enough to get them finished. Water medium challenges are very random for me. I won't be using gouache in the future.
Oh I see. Well you have done well. It’s very hard to go from oil to watercolour or any water media. Been there done that -wrecked a lot of paintings! Hard transition!!! Lol but I also say to experiment with gouache and what it can do differently than watercolour for anyone wondering about trying it. You did a great job!
Ok I really struggled the last few days to paint and my ability to get up and do it, but I did finish this. Yay! I wanted to get something on the forum since you all are doing a great job posting! I’m not totally pleased with it, but I’m out of the gates. So it’s a start!
Watercolour with the tiniest bit of ink pen, and a teeny-weeny bit of acrylic paint.
Strathmore watercolour cold press,
140 pounds (300 g/m2)
12cm x 15cm or approx 4.7 x 5.9 inches
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Thanks for that vote of confidence. I am out of practice and physically struggling to do it. But I think I’ll send this to my sister. It’s my niece. We all see our own faults, but I think she’ll be happy with it. I’ll just surprise her by sending it in the mail.🙂
Great jobs guys. I'm inspired. Moscatel and Paintboss, I'm amazed that you guys can paint that well that small!

I like the Scottish highland one so I'll try to paint that. I have a set of gouache that I've never used. I think I'll try them. I think I'm asking for trouble.
John, thank you! Good luck with gouache Scottish highland 👍 I do like that reference, too.

PaintBoss, what happens to me with gouache is I get furious painting with them so it's not very healthy 😂 😂 me to paint with them too often 🤣. Gouache paints are the only possibility for me to participate to the water challenges as I don't paint with watercolors. 👍