Animal and Wildilfe Challenge January 2024

Anne, super photos! Your sketch of the Greater Rhea is so well done!!

joe1lt, nice digital kitty. Excellent, looks like pen and ink! The parrot and racoon are so good, too. Applause.

Sanlynn, you did a great job on the kitty. Like the eyes.

Christel, look at the Monkey. Looks content.

Hi everyone. I tried the cow and liked it a lot until I added the brush pen, it was supposed to be a dark brown but was almost black and I didn't test it .. in a hurry as always. At least I sketched with a Micron 005 and the Pigma Brush.

Hi everyone,
I thought the reveal date was on the 20th of the month. So when I looked at the thread close to the 20th I saw work posted from the 15th ... and then re-read the intro and indeed it was the 15th. So please forgive me for being so late.

Here's my work, 8.5x11 across the two page spread.


And here are comments:

joe1lt - lovely worried-looking cat. Oh yay there is the bird! And the raccoon!
Sanlynn - awwww kitty
Anne - funny ostrich :)
Christel - awww look at that gorilla/chimp
Jo - awww check out the cow

Eyepaint!! So nice to see your bubbly work. I love your sketches and presentation. Always a pleasure to see and make me smile.
EP, reveal was changed to 15th, but any time after that is fine. You're not late. Nice work!
Joe, I like both. It does seem that the tail of the large bird and the nest is not finished at the bottom. Values are good.
Here is mine, a watercolor with some ink. It is 11 x 7, on a Canson 140CP sketchbook. I was originally going to use Graphitint pencils, since the paper is not good for painting, but the colors did not have enough dark values.

Great sketches Joe, there are some really nice expressive lines.

Sanlynn - your cat has such beautiful eyes!I love the wat you just focussed in on a small area.

Anne - great rhea, love the expression, I'd like to know what it's thinking about!

Christel - lovely chimp, I like all the tones in the brown ink.

Jo - I like the cow! It has a friendly face.

Fun sketches E.P.! I like the swans especially.

Joy - your rhino is wonderful, there's some lovely texture in the skin.
I went with the prompt of "Something furry." I've had this reference for a short while so decided to use it for the challenge.

Its watercolour (Schmincke) and ink (brush pens) on 100g Khadi paper, 8x8". It's a new sketchbook and I plan on using it alot. The colours aren't quite right, I used cadmium red but it doesn't look like it here.


Here's the reference (Unsplash) that I used:

joe1lt, I like you bird sketches. Both. Nice lines on the first and nice color on the second. Good work.

Joy, love the rhino. Great colors, hatching and lines. Yowza!

Triduana, your furry bug is amazing. I like your lines and colors. I wouldn't want to touch it!!
Jo C love the cow. Very well drawn pen work.
Joe, great work on that complex subject, like the added colour.
Joy, wonderful job on your rhino, you did a superb job of conveying that tough skin.
EP, what a delight test of sketches.
Kay, love this hairy little guy. Nice framed composition. I have noticed a real change in colour when posting as well.
Wow, everyone has been busy!

I've been working on another project so I haven't been around.

Jo, love your cow but I agree that the brush pen was a little dark. Wonderful sketch though.

EP, fun sketches. I went to pick out a favorite but there were too many.

Joe, love your birds. I think this is one of your most successful color sketches. Good job.

Joy, I love your rhinoceros. Great work with the colors to add interest.

Kay, what a great idea for furry. Love the caterpillar.

Thanks everyone for participating this month.