Above the Bias Forces


I'm actually posting this for Olive (and everyone). We were talking about aerial photographs in the photography forum and I mentioned how one of my favorite artists, Terry Evans had inspired some of my paintings. I said you'd never know by looking at them, but they were. This is one of them. I was inspired by her aerial photos of the prairie.

Above the Bias Forces
, oil paint, manila paper, pencil, garment tissue patterns, and thread stitched on canvas, 20 x 16 inches. (The title has a kind of dual meaning.)

You know the first word that popped into my head? Gorg! (This is not a word I normally use, but I'm obsessed with the Queer Eye/Fab 5 show and am currently barreling through the episodes. Talk about guilty pleasures.)

Anyway...I have many questions but please don't feel like you have to reveal state secrets. I'm wondering: What does the title mean? Where are the pencil marks? How did you get the tissue paper to wrinkle in place? How do you get the stitches so precise and is it just regular old thread? Did you do any others under the same influence of TE?
I really like this Arty, just for its simplicity. Those stitches and wrinkles add a lot to it.
Thank you both. That really means a lot.

Olive--too many questions! Just kidding. I have no secrets.

What does the title mean?

In pattern making, or rather, clothing manufacturing, all fabric is cut on the bias. You never cut on the grain, or perpendicular to it. That's the apparel meaning to the title. Above is just that aerial meaning being above a wide open space, like TE's images. Forces is just a personal meaning because a lot of my art is about--well, this might be a secret--is about battling past sexual abuse.

Where are the pencil marks?

They are behind the layers. I write stream-of-consciousness stuff on a lot of my work, then cover it up so you can barely see it, especially because it's so personal. The whole painting is filled with writing from the top to the bottom. I have no idea what it says now. Probably heavy shit.

How did you get the tissue paper to wrinkle in place?

The tissue paper I use are the store-bought patterns you get at JoAnn's. The layers underneath the oil paint is acrylic based. Then I add a transparent coat of polymer and lay the tissue on top while it's still slightly wet. Painting over it while it dries wrinkles it, but doesn't tear it apart because it's pretty dry.

How do you get the stitches so precise and is it just regular old thread?

When the whole thing is dry, I make pencil marks where the stitches will go and poke holes on each end through the canvas with a drill tack, that way, when I'm sewing, I can see light from the back of the canvas and know where to make the stitch from the back side of the canvas. I use upholstery thread.

Did you do any others under the same influence of TE?

Here's another, but it's not from an "aerial" shot. It's from some other series of hers, I forget which, but there was a photo where the rain was clearing, or starting--dark clouds against a grassy field and the colors were amazing.

Dunces Bloom from the Rains, oil, paper, and thread on canvas, 18 x 18 inches.


Thanks for asking the questions. It was fun answering them! :)
Now THAT was fun to read. Thanks for answering and doing all that typing. (I’m making you work even harder than you already do!)

I think I can barely make out the writing now on the lighter part of the top piece. At least, on a computer screen, it looks like writing is seeping through. And on the bottom piece, I think you’ve captured that rainy reflection (where sky meets ground) in such a clever way.
That was a lot of typing, I'd be knackered after all that😄. Thanks for the detailed and interesting explanations. I really like the second one, and the fact that I think I can see bits of writing really adds to the piece
Thank you laf. Yes, it was a lot of typing. Good thing I like to blab with my fingers! :ROFLMAO: