WIP Lakeside reeds


Well-known member
Hi folks, following on from the little ATC of the lake reeds, this is the large piece I am working on. Pastelmat 30x40 cm with Rembrandt's. It's about 3/4 there I think. Areas to soften and blend and correct to balance in areas. So far, I've manage to keep a "looseness" . It's not in the minimal abstract style I was exploring, but taking some lessons from them , I hope.
Anyway, I'm feeling ok with it, but welcome input. Thanks.
I think I am almost done. I'm in the "is it time to stop fiddling" stage.....
I keep seeing bit that could be better, but I'm reaching "my" limit I think.
From a photo of a walk along the lake in Stockholm, snowy part frozen water, chilly, reeds along the shore.....
The actual is a bit softer but the phone seems to focus on the textural aspect.

Well done- I agree that it looks chilly, and you really have captured a sense of place and time of year!