What's the temperature there?


I live in the high desert where it's usually at least twenty degrees colder than Palm Springs, but yesterday it got to be 90 degrees (F), and that's unusual for May. Today, it's already 80 and it's only 9:00 am! Lord help us.
Sun is out now (it rains almost every day here lately) and it is around 75° but expecting more thunder boomers later this evening.
It's around 20 degrees here and the sun is out, it's a lovely day, a bit breezy, oh I'm in Germany btw🙂
Yes, that is cold for May. You're right. It's hot here for May. Today was almost 80.
I remember snow in June... after a day in the upper 80s... but that's very rare. We had several days in the upper 80s last week but it cooled off over the weekend. Last night it dropped into the upper 40s... but it slowly warmed up today. Most of the morning was in the 60s and now it's moving into the 70s. It's supposed to be in the mid-70s all week. The real weather issue here is rain. It's been continual... as if we'd moved to a tropical rain forest. Mowing the lawn has been an ongoing battle. It rains for days and then the ground is so saturated that mowing is out of the question... and then it starts raining again. I finally was able to finish mowing the back lawn today. The grass was between 9 and 12 inches tall requiring I raise the mower platform as high as possible. I'll need to mow again in a day or two.
We're entering what passes for winter here. Had our first frost a few mornings ago, but today it is mellow and sunny, which is typical winter weather here: frosty early mornings, with temperatures warming after sunrise to a point which a Canadian or Scandinavian might experience as summer. :)
I remember snow in June... after a day in the upper 80s... but that's very rare. We had several days in the upper 80s last week but it cooled off over the weekend. Last night it dropped into the upper 40s... but it slowly warmed up today. Most of the morning was in the 60s and now it's moving into the 70s. It's supposed to be in the mid-70s all week. The real weather issue here is rain. It's been continual... as if we'd moved to a tropical rain forest. Mowing the lawn has been an ongoing battle. It rains for days and then the ground is so saturated that mowing is out of the question... and then it starts raining again. I finally was able to finish mowing the back lawn today. The grass was between 9 and 12 inches tall requiring I raise the mower platform as high as possible. I'll need to mow again in a day or two.
I don't know exactly where you are located but we've had continual rain here too for more than the past year. We have enjoyed about 3 dry days now though and tomorrow the rain is back but we are to be in the 90s by the weekend.
St Lukes yep 20 c when we're lucky it goes up to 23c haha. Having lived around the med for years it's taking a bit to get used to.
It is 18 Celsius and rainy in Montreal Canada. I love this weather, Wednesday will be 31 Celsius. Too hot for me. July is usually sticky. Need to put up air con tomorrow.
Yesterday the temp dropped 20 degrees (F) and today will be in the 70s, yet the other day it was almost 100!
Plymouth, Michigan Yesterday 92, Today 90 and predicted: 93, 94, 96, 96, 96, 93, 91, 91, 93

I can't remember temps this high for this length of time!