Sorry, NO spider is a friend of mine.
As I was lying on my back (it went out) and was staring at the ceiling, I saw a spider at the left corner of the room at the door jamb. I watched it walk along the wall toward the right corner and I thought soon, he’ll be over my head and then will jump on top of me. Possible bite me to death. Or start spinning a web on my inert bod.
So, I struggled to get up (took awhile), and then bent over to get my flip flop (took another awhile) and then...just as he (all bugs are “he”) was swinging a bit from a web or something, I swatted him dead.
Now, I had already tried twice to kill this same spider in my bedroom and both times I missed and he fell to the floor and then I couldn’t see him or bend over close enough to try again. So, I was like a wounded sheriff chasing a bandit for days and finally getting my criminal. Twas a satisfying victory.