Online order from delivered yesterday.
Small sketchbook 9 x 14 cm and not in picture 2 sketchbooks white gold and forrest green both 12 x 12 cm. Brushes round 1,2, 3 and one slanted edge.
Tube titanium buff watercolor to mix with colors. White titanium gouache W&N to mix with watercolors. Acrylic gouache white Liquitex it has a bit of a odd strong smell. I bought it to mix with my Turner set acrylic gouache to make more colors.
Turner has no smell. Liquitex acrylic has no smell either.
Landscape watercolors Jaxon artist quality red ochre, olive green, grey green, yellowgreen, prussian blue, ultramarine.
Big tube replacements light gold and titanium white 59 ml Daler Rowney, my previous gold was Galleria W&N but paint was bit thin. The white was same brand.
Two new to me acrylics lime Liquitex small tube 22 ml and red Pyrolle Amsterdam standard Royal Talens warm red small tube 20 ml , both very pretty. For my White Nights artist quality watercolors collection cadmium yellow, beautiful and venetian red. I keep watercolors in empty bonbon metal tins from many years ago, edge of picture visible.
The gouache W&N is very nice. My lost disappeared Lukas white gouache was sort of dry, misplaced it somewhere and it is missing since december.