Visible (3 drawings)


2 eyes.
Visible. 03.09.16.
Title is after the brand of pen which inconsiderately ran out midway through the drawing and screamed, "I'm not for colouring!".
Ballpoint and Marker pen.

Ballpoint & Marker pen. 16.11.16
Not titled 16.11.16.jpg

Ballpoint, Marker pen & collage. 23.08.16.
Looking at this now, I shouldn't have covered my little Far Eastern figures (triangles) with collage (triangles). They don't like it!
Oh, well.
This kind of concentration and patience has GOT to be indicative of a sick mind! ;) These are amazing and I love the little yellow specks around in the last one and then when I get to looking, I see gray, a red, a blue striped and some patterned one. Well done!
like the first one first and foremost .. # 2 finishes third ... like the movement in the first.
Thanks Hermes, Someone once suggested other drawings in a similiar vein would make good prints. Funnily, I have tried to make some drawings look like printed matter by covering the surface with (trade secret) white oil stick. I like the idea of prints. Some mileage there.
I appreciate your comments.

I like your idea of using cement to make sculpture. I have tried air-drying clay, but find it difficult to work with. I once used cement to make a basic alpine sink. One can dye the cement, too. Don't know if you do.

indicative of a sick mind! ;)

A creative mind, that is, a sick mind. A sickly rhapsodic lucidity is the one redemption for a sick, dying mind.

Ugh! I have always been a sucker for a bit of Romantic nihilism. And flattery. Thank you, snoberry. It could also be indicative of someone on the autistic spectrum: repetitive, habitual, antisocial, but does not misread social cues and is not unempathetic. How's that for a bit of armchair psychology.

Thanks for you comment, Wayne, We can't both be wrong. 😉

Arty, I am pleased that you like them, really am. I just hope you did not sustain an injury on account of them. I always need to pee.
I just thought of the First Art Critic in Mel Brooke's History of the World. "Along with the first artist comes the first..." And the "critic" pees on the cave art.

And thank you, Bongo (I am obsessed with your Netflix Painting!), and thank you, too, Ms Desforges, for the thumbs up.
And lastly, I would like to thank Queen Elizabeth for her love and support during the making of these...