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Should have added I like Duchamp and Anish Kapoor.
Arty - Thanks for the reference to Amy Sillman, I didn't know of her. I like her work too, and what I find fascinating about it is that she seems to follow what I call the 'red spot' rule. I've noticed a lot of abstract (non-representationall!) works that have one or more red or orange areas to catch the eye. Maybe that is too simplistic, as of course her works have many other colors, too, but the red or orange seems to leap from the canvas.I also don't have a formal art education, so I would just look it up/Google it to read about the "technical" differences, but I (these are all just my opinions) think the term "abstract" has probably been blurred quite a bit, generally. I don't usually hear "non-representational art" used in the art world much when technically it probably would be the "correct" term for most work that's being referred to as abstract. Abstract is an umbrella term, in my eyes.
Like the joke I made, I hear it used to refer to decorative work, but who draws the line there? That's difficult. That's why I made the joke.
I have a wooden plank that I painted, which I use to display horizontally above our television. Everyone, including my gallerist, loves it and says, "I love that piece of yours." I always say, "Well, it's not one of my pieces. It's just decoration." A lot of people laugh because they don't realize what the damn difference might be, but that's okay. They think it's "fine art." It's not.
It's still art. It's just decorative art. It's non-representational--for the most part (there's a little stick figure scratched into it somewhere)--but it's been called an abstract because it's mainly just blocks of color.
What is is???!!!
But I am with you on the technical terms. I do see a difference though in "abstract art" as a general term vs. "abstracted." I kinda look at "true" abstract art as non-representational art. Anything representational in it (to me), it's almost some kind of impressionism, but can still fall under as abstract art. But the more representational, the more it keeps leaning into impressionism, so lines keep blurring.
I think we have these terms as a baseline and not for finite purposes, ya know?
Not to keep blabbering, but one of my favorite artists is Amy Sillman who has become one of the forefront living abstract artists. She's considered a genuine "abstract" artist. There are always representational elements in her work (something I love about it). That would fall under what you are talking about. She abstracts reality to enth degree as a painter in my book. Whereas someone like Rothko was seriously a non-representational painter. He is still called an "abstract" artist, just as Pollock was, and Twombly, and all those artists. Maybe it's just a term that's used loosely, like a spectrum.
AgreedI am really enjoying this thread with all its opinions and pointers in new directions. It just shows that the visual arts and music are journeys of discovery and adventure. I love it and get very excited when I come across a new composer or artist to explore.
Sorry, I don't have a reference. I made it up! Just from observations.@trufflecat I never noticed the red/orange spot, nor have I heard of this you have some kind of reference for this? Sounds fascinating.
Yes, it's well known that abstract is in the eye of the beholder.I think I can see one way the lines between Abstract and Non-representational become blurred. What if the artist’s intention was to make a non-representational work, but a viewer sees something they interpret as something “real”? Does that make the work abstract? Yes, i guess, to that viewer. However, maybe not to someone else. So i guess there could be some importance to the subjectivity (or levels of) of the piece, perhaps influenced by its suggestions of form or space. Some works may have more subjectivity than others, but ultimately, someone could see “something” to them that feels like something they’ve seen before. Too me, most of Pollack’s work is totally non-representational. I see nothing I recognize, or like for that matter.
Nufocus, if you do not like Frankethaler (actually, it looks as if you hate her work), that's too bad. You kinda make these statement as if they are fact when they are just your opinions, but I can not agree with you at all. I like her work. I don't think it's the best thing since sliced bread or anything, but I don't believe it should be so dismissed. I think the "expert" in the video wasn't spewing crap at all. He was actually deeply inspired by her paintings. I don't understand how you think this affects "underserving" artists. How so??? Who are the deserving artists and which ones "deserve?" Who are you to decide that??? Jeez.
Hard to accept he leaved just bcz he enjoy to insult. correct me if im wrong, instead apologize he stick to this kind of behave which it is a condition to stay.My feelings also.
One viewpoint is that ALL art is abstraction.
I know that over the years I've become more open to abstract art. I used to basically say WTF about a lot of it. Pollack is one example. But after standing closely in front of one at MOMA - it was big - and letting it occupy my entire visual field I got it. It felt like a dream, or being tumbled in an ocean wave, or an acid trip. It was exhilarating. The size and real life presence of abstract works have a lot to do with their impact.
I actually have a harder time with things like Warhol.
I can appreciate both Pollock and Warhol in their context, but not so much their aesthetic. I can see how what they did, when they did it, was cutting edge. It was a dialogue that hadn't been spoken yet and as simple as those things might seem to us now, it was rebellious during their time. So much art has been created on the shoulders of those artists and people don't realize it.