The Chair V .. Woody got flowers from a follower and in shyness turned away ..


old man

11 x 14 inches, oil on paper, alla prima, knife/brush, painted Dec 09/21
painted from life.

Ok, I got away from the chair again: partly, anyway. Thanks for the pointer Donna. I will get to the chair with tomorrows study. This one I put a 2 ft by 4 ft paining of a vase of flowers behind the chair and this is what I was as a result of using it for a backdrop. So again, I study the chair but still pay too much attention to the background. If I live long enough I will get this study done and paint the chair. Not time yet. Still working on the chair.
This is a beauty, Wayne; such color harmony! I like that your chair paintings include the surroundings and background. It’s nice to have a variety of views in a series.