At least you can get off the pan, if only occasionally

, and can make it. Saying this, sometimes one cannot even make it TO the pan, never mind art.
Prior to giving the bogus translation to the French title, I should have written, "for non-French speakers..."
When I was young I got arrested and went to court for a particular smell...
"Why does a 15 year old want aftershave? Ho ho ho," the Juvenile Judge laughed. The whole court laughed too.
"I could have got 10 to 15 POUNDS for that and they think I'm a fool kid, that it was a mere foolhardy, unpremeditated act! Wait, that is good!"
I was given 6 months Conditional Discharge,
and I was ordered to attend meetings with s probation officer.
A young blonde
with a fine pair.
They could have sentenced
me to another six weeks with her.
*(Crime Doesn't Pay)