Text and Image

Not to labour the point BUT I need the screen brightness quite high, and on a white screen it is blinding. My eyesight, the good eye, has deteriorated lately. I was told by a wonderful optometrist that the swelling could go down and the sight return to its former glory. Which is good news, but means I need to make do with inadequate lenses for now. Like some Victorian botanist, or something, I am being aided by the use of a magnifying glass. If my hearing were shot, I would no doubt be forced to resort to something equally anachronistic. "You will have to speak up!" 😁

Thank you, Art and Joe.
I wasn't trying to garner sympathy over something so trivial as the loss of sight. Honestly 😁 The beard will be there behind the beard-shaped mask.

I have been redoing the garden pond, hence the lack of input here. One aches in places one intends to inhabit, if you see what I mean.
This was one job I wasn't looking forward to.. I am glad I did not attempt it in winter, as is generally advised, but waited for the pond to dry, somewhat. I had placed the thin (crap) fabric underlay onto the flexible liner, to disguise the sheen, give the plants a rooting medium and protect the liner itself from UVL. I had no thought a few years ago of having to lift it...I must go out there now.
No, it is for the local fauna,, frogs, toads, newts, etc. Here are two such who have made the yard (garden) home.

IMG_8860 (1).jpg

I imagine you could have worst neighbors but I wouldn't send out the invitation. o_O But, we all differ and you must like them.
😄 I guess so. As a kid I was fascinated by invertebrates, woodlice, centipedes, things that were there, hiding under rocks, to be discovered.. I guess it is an extension of that curiosity. And a belief in biodiversity. Here one can play hopscotch under the streetlights, but you never win. There's always one slug, or snail, squashed under foot. They appear to be pure nerve.
Thanks guys. Appreciate it.
I don't know why I posted the second, when I actually preferred an earlier version.


One can go crazy over combinations...
I call this Stage Fright, as it kind of reminds me of the mirrored lights in actor/performer dressing rooms.

It reminds me of that too! I like the scribbled line in the first one of these two, and how it runs all the way down to the bottom. Something about the whole composition is compelling, more so than the "dressing room" one, maybe because that one is symmetrical and I prefer asymmetry. ;)
Thanks Art, appreciate that! if you attempted to draw a crow, it would look like a crow and not some weird crow-pigeon hybrid. Saying that, you did draw a rabbit-antelope-bat cross, but I guess that was intentional.