Summer Day On Paine Creek


Supporting Member
Didn't catch any fish, but a beautiful day even if it was too hot. Memories.

16 x 20 acrylic/posterboard
DSCN4717Summer On Paine Creek.JPG

meant to put more emphasis on the foreground cat tails

If it's too hot to fish, it's too hot to paint, especially in acrylic. :giggle: Made a nice painting though, I like it! ❤️
Trier, you didn’t catch any fish but you certainly caught the dramatic contrast between hot yellows and cold blues. And you did it very well!!
Incredible yellows! I love this. I really like how the yellow contrasts with the dark blues. You've captured a muggy, but beautifully peaceful atmosphere that I can feel being in.

NuFocus, I usually call it illustration board, unless it's really just posterboard? It is what it is? illustration board usually has a matte surface (hot press) or a cold press, which might be the posterboard effect. I'm not sure.
Btw, I’ve been wondering: what do you call a posterboard?
Hey Nufocus,, thanks for the question. It dawns on me that there must be more than a few others here also who wonder what posterboard is.

Basically it is a thin cardboard that is used to make casual posters and temporary signs, but mostly for school students in art classes or fun activities.

It is like a really cheap and non-archival type of illustration board or mat board.

It is very smooth on one side and a little fuzzier on the other, and will take most any kind of mark maker medium.
The usual size is approx 22 x 28 inches, but it varies depending on the maker and where it is sold.
It can be found in most stores like Walmart, Dollar Stores etc etc.

The cost seems to depend on the thickness, size and who is selling it.
The cheapest now is around 30 cents per sheet at the Dollar Stores, and I paid about 50 cents per sheet for the heavyweight type at Walmart that I have pictured.


That works out to be approx 8 or 9 cents per square foot for the cheapest type, and by the time it get slobbered up with gesso and acrylics, I fiqure it will last awhile, especially because I usually paint on both sides (really cheap).

More than you wanted to know, but that’s what you get for asking, ole buddy.
Wonderful, Trier!! Many thanks for the very detailed (and illustrated!) reply!!