Spray Park


Well-known member
Seattle has a bunch of "Spray Parks" - this one is at NorthAcres Park - which also has picnic areas, trails, dog park, etc.

If you ever played in the sprinklers when you were a kid (or Adult) - you get the idea - the water is only about 2" deep.


This was an 80-degree-plus day. Before left I lathered my head with sun screen something I never do. As I sweated the sun screen ran into my left eye.

the block-in

by now my eye was stinging. Completely shut, painting with one hand wiping tears with the other. What I do for craft!!

Spray Park 18"x14" oil on canvas. Figures added in studio
Spray Park.jpg

comments welcomed


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Nice one! You sure had a gorgeous day to be out there and you overcame the sunscreen attack. I like the sunbathers on the bottom right - just in case we aren’t sure about how warm it was.
Oh GOD! I LOVE this one. Maybe it's the figures? I don't know, but it really struck me. The yellows in the fountain against the green give a certain highlight to this that brings a distinct happiness and made my heart feel like I was a child on a swing. My stomach soars for this one. ♥️
For the PacNW to get to 80 in August is rather unusual; although heading for the beach out at Copalis or Ocean Shores is always rather disappointing until 1400 or so, when the sun and wind finally rid the beach of fog.

Nice action in this piece- easy to see the movement of people enjoying the park.

Well done
Thanks Donna appreciate your support

Ayin, thanks - it was kind of a magical day - minus sunscreened eye.

I learned something - for me anyway - adding characters to this piece. Couldn't really get away with silhouetted figures because of the scale so they had to be clothed. But painting clothed figures that small is beyond my skill and disposition. There is a trench - silhouettes on one side, clothed on the other. I'll be careful not to compose paintings that fall in that ditch in the future.

JStarr, thanks - you're right about the weather. Had about 3 days of above 80 degrees. Personally, I love it - much prefer a temperature a little too hot than a little too cold.
You got sunscreen in your eye?? That happens to me almost every day here...because of sweating! :ROFLMAO:
Super painting and full of life. Applause. My husband rides a recumbent trike and found some powder sunscreen, Colore. It seems expensive but lasts a L o n g time and does not get in your eyes! I use it too.