House By The Park


Well-known member
From a row of houses, I chose the Thomas Kinkade then set up on the grassy knoll. Have I mentioned that there are a lot of trees in Seattle?

For the painting support, I'm using one of my Plein Errors, sprayed with a grey automotive primer-sealer to cover up the image.

the sketch -

the block in

House By the Park 18"x14" oil on panel
house by the park.jpg

comments welcomed
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Lovely, lovely, lovely! Love these greens and how you selected to blend them together, contrasting them with this sky. Brilliant! ♥️
Well done- again! I remember autumn light in the PacNW- luckily it is still sunny! One of my siblings up in Jackson Hole Wy has snow in spots already!

PS: I *LOVE* Plein Errors!
Thanks JStarr, about this time of year the sun stays low in the sky. Yes, Plein Errors - I got a few.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. It's a lovely palette, and I agree with Jo that the pickup truck is just perfect. I like how you "removed" some of the trees/foliage so the view of the house is open. Great job!