It sounds like you live in a lovely area, though, to be seeing so many wonderful animals.
We've just had wolves "repatriated" here and the last report I saw said they'd been seen in a county just south of ours. Since we have miles and miles and miles of timber here between us and them, I'm sure they're spreading out and coming closer.
When I was a little girl I lived in southern Oregon and we'd hear coyotes every night as well as seeing bobcats and cougars and woodpeckers and all sorts of wildlife. Deer and elk, too. A friend of ours had a half bobcat/half domestic cat as a pet and my aunt and uncle had a coyote/dog mix. In those days, wildlife and domestic animals commonly produced these "love children". They didn't make good pets. though, because they were half wild and acted it. There haven't been any coyotes in this area of Oregon for years and the deer have all moved to towns in the valley, it seems. lol We do have a herd of elk up here, though.