Sketching from Streetview

These are very nice sketches.
Sketching from Streetview seems like great idea, especially if you have no opportunity to travel so you can visit some interesting places.
Lamar - many thanks.

Anne - thank you. Yes, I like the sponteneity of sketching too. I tend to worry less about things being accurate.

Sylwia - thank you. I want to start sketching from life more, but it will need to wait now until the evenings start getting lighter! At least with streetview you can go further!
I drew directly in ink today. I wanted to keep it loose and not worry about perspective and angles. It's more fun that way.

Jo - thank you. I think I might prefer using ink for these rather than pencil. I will try some more.

Arty - thank you! :)
Great views and great sketching - love the scribbly ink foliage and ramshackle fence in the Russia sketch, and glad you gave the shop a try. I like how you've kept the focus on the entrance and the fab planters and faded the interior away.
Thanks Ayin. The thing I like about sketching in ink is that there's nowhere to hide. With pencil you can start with faint lines and build them up, or erase bits: with ink there's no way out :)
I ended up on a road I know today. It wasn't intentional: I just moved the map around while keeping the screen in the corner of my eye, and then zoomed in. I drew directly in ink again. The tree was on the other side of the gate but I moved it, for interest.
