Sidewalk on Pondy Bazaar


Well-known member
Pen and ink sketch, on 140 gsm cartridge paper, I think.

For years I had avoided going to Pondy Bazaar because the pavements had been hijacked by vendors and I found it claustrophobic to walk through the narrow spaces available to pedestrians, braving the jostling crowds. But on a Sunday morning in 2016, I went sketching on location there, and it brought back memories of a Pondy Bazaar of several decades earlier. Of course, this was only because it was a Sunday and the crowds were absent.

Sidewalk, Pondy Bazaar.png
I think you have such a strong ability to capture a scene is a sketch- I'm impressed and envious.

Glad you went back.
Bart, Anne, JStarr, Ayin, and Margaret...Thank you.
For a long while I used to sketch from photo references. Around 2008 or 2009 I started to sketch on location, but only once in a while. From 2013 I bean to sketch mainly on location, and that too directly in ink. I think that has helped me very much.
Great perspective for this street scene! I'm immediately drawn in. Nice sketch work!
Terri, Jo...Thank you.
This is gorgeous and like you I like sketching from life and with ink directly.
Jo... I am glad to know that you share the same preferences in sketching. Do you sketch on your own, or are you part of any group?