Scavenger Hunt from Life #84: Sep 15 - Sep 23

Well, we stayed one night at our cabin. We arrive back to our Bangkok home already (3 hour drive each way to cobin). I wish I had more time to sketh the country and mountain scenes... Next time then.

Joan: Thanks. Fantastic lunch spot with umbrella & people

Jo: Thanks. Super sketch on the good organized...uhm... my art room is still super cluttered and unorganized ... sigh !!!... Bravo on colorful works along walking path.

EP: Thanks. I love how you do the water bottle several times.

Ned: Thanks. Super effort on both the Copper beech tree and the Walnut tree ... Sending good vibe to your car.

Robin: Love your dancing and colorful line sketches. Pls. keep posting.
EP — More info, more links, please!!! Love them 😌 Fun do-overs and tea bags!

Joan — Thanks so much for your answers! I'm making notes 📔🔖 and I keep re-reading your answers. Like if I read them often enough then magically my work will improve LOL. Right now I don't have non-virtual supplies. But I believe that a lot of helpful information and energy like what you offer can transfer to iPad work. But it takes a better and more experienced artist than me to really make the best of what you say. Doesn't mean I can't try and experiment and practice though. And I will!!! Thank you!!!

Love the scene of your new sketch. Oh to be under one of those peaceful umbrellas 😌

Ai — What a lovely plant with all its gorgeous colors 🎨 And what a cool dress!!!
3 — "old" curved fence (curving away in the distance)
..... challenge - bonus adjective item
..... challenge - speed blind contour (if only)
..... sketched freehand (🤣) in the ProCreate app on iPadPro with an Apple Pencil
..... from my mobile studio 😍

This mornng I saw some little goats in a great big pasture. And one little guy was on his front knees, grazing away like crazy, even turning and moving forward with those front knees on the ground. I decided to hurry and try to do a blind contour of the tyke. I got out my iPad, but just as I picked up my pencil, the little guy stood up on all fours to continue grazing 😂🤪

So I tried to sketch the fence because I've never done a speedy blind contour that included perspective, distance, etc. And obviously, I still haven't LOL, but I tried 😅

P.S. Don't worry about the goat - I've seen lots of young goats, as well as foals, do that. He seems super healthy in fact!!!

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Ai, thanks. What a pretty purple flower! It must be nice to escape to the country once in a while, even if it is a bit of a ride. Mmm...nice colorful dress! Get Tone to take you out someplace special so you can wear it.

Pine Cone, you can definitely use the same process with digital sketching. I haven't done any in a long time. I should download Procreate before we go away. Maybe I'll have time in the evenings to learn something. Too bad you misses sketching the young goat on its knees munching away. I like the fence line receding in the distance.
Joan - thank you. Fun umbrellas!
Ai - mmmm looks like grapes :) And thank you. Oooh a lovely colourful dress! How slinky! It almost looks like it's dancing!
PineCone - thanks. I was looking for a critter based on the start of your text but .... only the fence for now since it stays relatively still - lol
Joan – Thanks! Where are you guys away to? Will you be sketching? ☀️ Of course, I hope you get ProCreate, but it'll be around when you get back too - lotsa fun but no hurry 😍

EP — LOL, fences are nice that way 😌

Ned — Thanks for a fun event, inspiring lots of cool sketches, and interesting new info treats to ponder!!! 😂 I sure hope that Monday is the magic day when your car is actually, finally, really, truly all fixed and safe to go 🙏