Scavenger Hunt from Life #80 - Aug 14 - 22

Hi there, eyepaint!

Joan, gorgeous painting of the water plants. Lovely free space and super umbrellas.

Teeth cleaning yesterday. In the travel sketchbook with the Acurit 03

Number 11 square - the top stained glass window
Number 12 plant - under windows

Jo, thanks! Good that you found some items to sketch at the dentist's office. Looks like a nice healthy plant. I like the idea of the stained glass window on top.

This was today's painting when I ventured out today.
10 - square lobster roll sign - watercolors & ink
11 - circular air vent on the AC
12 - shadow on the building

Joan - lovely lily in the pond! Interesting free space watercolours and lovely colours in the patio unbrellas sketch. Yahoo lobster rolls!
Jo - fun spiky plant (dracena?) and fun red pen :)
Joan, you find such great restaurants and items for our Hunts. This looks amazing, with sunflowers and the Flag. I have yet to try a lobster roll, the closest I've had are Po Boys Louisiana style.

Hi, eyepaint. First time to have a red Acurit pen. It is very nice.

I sketched but will post tomorrow.
I sketched at the computer desk in the BookFactory sketchbook with a Micron 02 and Pilot Ballpoint pen.
#13 shadow - of the pinecone

Today, Tone and I went for a free haircut by volunteer barbers, organized by our local senate, at our neighborhood temple.. This was Tone's first free haircut in Thsiland..... I sketched while Tone was waiting for his turn.

#7 sub. curtain with haircut aphrons
#8 sub. selfie with many haircut customers
#9 red ... Volunteer barbers t-shirt uniform color
#10 ... above haircut customer's head...was the head and hands of the barber (first sketch photo)







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I'll post my work first and then return with sketches.

Ink, 5x8",
1. pink (sub for red)
2. yellow (Lamy fountain pen)
3. blue
4. green
5. black (marker)
6. white (gel pen)
7. conical (sub for triangle) - white plastic funnel
8. rectangular (sub for square) - some sort of "don't pass here" marker for the robot vacuum
9. circle - top of blue plastic funnel
10. free space (squeaker from dog toy)


Joan - nice set wow, the grays give great heavy depth! I love umbrellas! Make a good homepage desktop.

JoC -sweet waitting room sketch, very atmospheric. Super job on the pinecone!

Ai. lovely barber sketches! Love the body language, chin down, thought inward…

Ep- nice airy sketches…very pleasant to look at- the funnel is captivating- love the blue.

#3 - triangle in pocket notebook
Jo- well done on the pinecone - they are super tough to draw!
Ai - yay open-air barbers - is this for promotion? A competition? I'd think open-air barbers held say once a month or once a week would be a lovely event. I remember enjoying an open-air massage on the beach in Venezuela and that was so fun.
Robin - thank you - glad you enjoyed the funnel. Yay that is a fine triangle!
EP, thanks mutely! Great page of sketches. You have so many art materials but I see you snuck in a few that weren't. Nice!!

Jo, thanks! Lobster rolls are sort of similar to poor boys...seafood on a roll. lol I like your pinecone and the hatched shadow!

Ai, thanks for sharing so many photos of the barbers and the people getting haircuts. The sketches are so fun!! I know it is hard to capture that action because the barbers move their hands so much and change positions. Great job! I saw Tone's finished haircut...looked good!

Robin, thank you. You have good eyes to find the triangle in the watering can. Good thinking!

13 - chair at the pool - ball point pen

The comments I wrote up yesterday have disappeared. Think I forgot to hit send. Nice work on all of them.

Jo - great hatching on the pinecone. Great shading too.

Ai -Fun series/sequence. Fun to also see the sketch before and after the washes

EP - Clever find to get the colors. What media did you use? Some look like color pencil and some look like pen and ink.

Robin - Good find of triangle and great hatching.

Joan - Nice pen sketch. Woman does not look too comfy sharing the chair with his foot.

#1 Above my head - Graphite in pocket sketchbook

Keep sketching
Joan - thank you. How fun that person on the right has a foot on the chair of another person - great relaxed posture
Joe - thank you. It was pencil and coloured pencil and ink. I should have included that in my note. Fun above your head.
A day late and a dollar short....

Ai, what a great selection of barber sketches. Love the red shirts. I think I see Tone in the photo. Fun....

EP, great assortment of colors. I think you did such a good job on the funnel, lots of depth. Whoot!!

Robin, such a fun triangle. I haven't seen a real water can in years. I don't hang out with any gardeners. Applause. Take care of yourself.

Joan, fun find for chair. The guy sure looks relaxed.

Fletch, no surprise you found a bear to sketch above you. Good job.

We went to the Empty Bowl Summer Concert. I am bad at sketching people and at a show I feel I'm not watching the show but here you go anyway. Not even close to the way the entertainers look in real life. In the travel sketchbook with the Acurit 03 pen. I took watercolors but.... The stained glass is so pretty, all over the church where the charity event took place.
#14 free space - the singers
#15 curtain - sub the stained glass windows act as curtains.
First of all, thank you everyone for your kind comments. My teaching semester has started and I am overwhelmed... Just try to get by each day with some sketches... so not much energy/time commenting much for so many wonderful works from you all.

I sketch this morning before going in my office (depicted as a white building in the last pic). I also attached the Thai style garden decoration (dark wood cart wheel, and a small round table with a tiny roof...uhm... even I don't really know what was this for originally) Unfortunately, some other Thai style decorating wooden pieces have been removed from this garden area due to rotting with rain water (ie. rice husk removal machine, and a Thai style wagon...).. As EP and Joan have asked about this garden photo. So I attached it as the last photo here. I have to say my faculty has a small but classic garden of the entire campus, as many faculties often use this corner to do some filming and such.

#11 yellow ...orchids at my workplace garden ... directwatercolor
#12 plant ... or part of the hosting big tree trunk



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Jo: Love your fantastic singer sketches. I know the feeling of doing live action of people but it sure fun to sketch. Hope you still get to experience music of the event. Love the line of the window glass pattern too.

EP: Thanks. We must have driven past a construction site neighborhood.. We will try to avoid that next time. The free haircut was a random event, this one was hosting by our local senate team (uhm... don't know if this was a political buying vote tactics with good humble services to people in need ... Tone can afford his haircut... but we did stopped by the event to see how it went and I wanna sketch there). Great grouping sketch of your art tools.

Joan: I can't say enough all great words for your exciting and lively and gorgeous sketches. I wish I could be around joining your art outing in your amazing locations.

Joe: Sorry that you lost length comments. Great to see your graphite sketch.

Robin: Great to see your dancing lines... hope your juggling is going well and pls. take care of yourself too.
Jo - thank you. Well done on the entertainers singing and playing guitar.
Ai - lovely sketch of the orchid growing in the wild (I struggle to tend to them as houseplants). Thank you for the photo of that item!
Sorry, but I don't know what I was thinking. I really thought the next hunt started on Aug 24. Luckily I was getting ready ahead of time. The new hunt is now posted.
Fletch, thanks. The person on the chair was actually the man's daughter. She sat there content for a long time. Cute stuffy over your head!

EP, I don't think I could comfortably sit that way. lol

Jo, thanks. You did really well sketching the people performing. That's not easy to do and takes a lot of concentration while they are performing.

Ai, thanks for posting the photo of the garden at work. It looks like a nice spot to destress and sketch. Love the orchids on the tree! I hope the school semester calms down for you. Thanks for your comments about my sketches. I'm lucky to be surrounded by so many nice places.
graphite, 8x11", back side of printer paper. Very quick and rather wonky.

11. makes a sound.



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Ai, love the orchids and photos. Thanks for taking some time for that. Hopefully classes will go smoothly soon.

EP, ahhh, you are getting the ukes down pat. Great sketch. Are you playing a lot? You stay busy, too.

Thanks Robin for this Hunt. See all y'all on Joan's Hunt.