Scavenger Hunt from Life #121: Jul 06 - Jul 14

Jo Castillo

Supporting Member

Welcome to the Scavenger Hunts from Life.
The Hunts were started in 2006 by Jamie Williams Grossman as a way to practice with prompts. Artists have come and gone while forming some lasting friendships. We hope you will join in and tune up your sketching skills. All levels and techniques are welcome. We hope you can have some good times here. You can travel the world seeing the sketches of items at hand by the artists.

If you’ve participated in at least one Scavenger Hunt and have time to host one we would really appreciate it. You can sign up by posting your name on the current hosting schedule in the Art From Life forum here:

Here are the rules for the Hunt:
*All everyday common items on the list must be sketched from life – not imagination or photo reference.
*Each object you draw can count for only one item on the listless, no matter how many shapes/parts/colors that object contains. This was agreed on by unanimous vote among the participants.
*You may place multiple objects together in a drawing or painting, and may count these objects as separate items, but no single object can count for more than one item.
*All items posted must be numbered. Count them as you go. The first item you post will be #1 regardless of its place on the list. Do them in whatever order you wish, but count them in the order in which you sketch them, from 1 to 26.
*Do as many or as few of the items as you like. You don’t have to finish the entire list to participate. The Scavenger Hunt “week” will last for 9 days, with the next hunt starting on the 9th day.
*Please tell us your size, surface, medium, and the amount of time it took you for each sketch. We love hearing about your subjects and setups. Photos of your subjects are welcome.
*Have fun!
*** If you have some hunt sketches completed but little time to read/comment, please post your sketches anyway. Commenting is appreciated but not required

Scavenger Hunt from Life #32: July 6- July 14

allergy causing
butter dish
empty container
open book
turnip (vegetable)
x-acto knife

Challenge is do several items in alphabetical order.

Have fun.

Recycled from 2022
Guess I will start off with an iPad sketch, Art Rage to get the metal look on the spoon and foil on top. Haven't tried that much and was in a hurry.
Number 1, yogurt
Jo: Thanks for putting in a new list on behalf of Ned.... Cool digi., a great happy start indeed.

Joan and Fletch: Thanks for trying to come up with the list for Ned.
Jo - thanks for bailing me out. I'm forgetful and distracted! Apologies Joan and Fletch for any time you spent.
Thanks for new list Jo…super digi, the textured aluminum is spot on, but the whole composition is pleasant to see

Hi Ai and Ned

I did get two direct wtwercolors before the list was posted but nothing pertains to the list but I am so happy to have gotten the palate out I will post them anyway:):):)
Jo, thanks for the new list. I like your digital sketch of the yogurt container. I've never noticed the metallic look so I haven't tried it...something to look forward to in the future. :)

Ai, I should keep a spare hunt just in case. I'm always cautious because I don't want to step on anybody's toes. lol

Robin, yay for direct watercolors! I like that cosy couch and chair. Looks like you have the patience to keep the colors from running. Hope to see more of them from you.

Didn't do anything for the hunt yesterday...hopefully today will be better.
Ned, I forgot last time so no problem and I just recycled so no work! Hope you are on your trip and having fun!

Robin, great watercolors. You could use the couch/pillows for double and the tree can sub for mushroom don't you think? Fun.

Joan, hi! Hard to get in the mood/mode sometimes. See you soon.
The big storm is skirting us. A bit of wind and no rain ... yet. It was nice on the porch, about 77º F. I sketched in the large Canson Mixed Media sketchbook. About half a page, there was marker leak through on the top half from the toys the other day. I probably could have used that for the gray socks. Ha.
Number 2 footwear - some fuzzy socks
Jo, sorry you didn't get any rain. The fuzzy socks are great...very soft looking, and a believable design.

When I'm starting late it helps to put several items together in one sketch. This was done as a continuous line, and then I did add color. Here are both of them.
1 - butter dish
2 - garlic
3 - mushrooms
4 - red tomato
5 - red pepper


I was in a short sketching session at a cafe nook, waiting for some gov. service que. ...

#1 footwear ...directwatercolor...I was using Prang watercolour (kido) set as is...I have not yet replaced the kido paints with my Daniel-Smith WC paints yet. The paper was just a regular thin paper notebook too, not a WC sketchbook .


Wow, Joan, look at that continuous line. Great shapes. The color gives depth, too.

Ai, mmmm, love the footwear. If I tried that it would look like blobs of nothing. Excellent.
Jo, thanks. I like doing the continuous lines when I think of it, but as you can see I end up adding color.

Ai, I'm surprised how well the Prang colors worked. These came out really nice with the way you let the colors blend.
Jo, neat little digital. Did you stipple the spoon or use a brush texture? I spent about a minute trying to figure out what the bleed thru was 😂. Super job on the dives.

Robin try using use associations but go backwards. Just looking I thought empty container for empty couch and solid fir tree and that was just reading the list. Quite different than so be as creative with list as you are with your art.😎

Joan, great continuous line. Love how adding color makes it come alive.

At, neat footwear. Good use of waiting the softness overall. Almost a dreamy quality. Like that the palette has a brush holder. Standard half pans fit or do you need to adapt?

Hoping to join back in. Miss drawing. Getting in that zone is like meditating.

At, neat footwear. Good use of waiting the softness overall. Almost a dreamy quality. Like that the palette has a brush holder. Standard half pans fit or do you need to adapt?

Fletch: I have to pull out the original plastic tray, which contains the 8 color paints. Then I have to glue the tape on the back of each new halfpan, and stick each color down to my liking.... Have not yet had any time to play with the modification. Thank you.
Joan: About the Prang paint sety... I think It is OK for casual quick sketching... but the pro. like you, I don't think you need this.
Ai, my sister, Michelle, has been teaching watercolors to seniors for a number of years. She gave out a list of supplies when they started but some of the students came in with the Prang sets. Then they couldn't get strong enough pigment to paint anything. I found the same thing with Cotman colors as compared to Winsor Newton or Daniel Smith.
Joan: Agree... That's why I plan to modify the inside and will replace the given colours with DS paints...I just like their case, enough for me to pack in 1 small brush and a pencil.
Hi to all! Sorry I dropped the ball on this hunt.

Jo -- you got interesting texture in that digi-sketch! The fuzzy socks are great, and have great texture.

Robin -- hi! That couch is really great, you did great with the direct watercolor!

Joan -- thanks for both the before and after. It's really kind of amazing what the color does.

Ai -- Those are neat! the forms are so good! I like the shades in the knees....

Fletch -- I don't always get into the zone, but somehow the act of looking and drawing is meditative and "tunes out" everything else. I always feel peaceful afterward, and it doesn't seem to matter if the drawing went well or not. I really noticed it yesterday after not drawing for a couple weeks.

My wife and daughter are both here with me in Washington, and it is their vacation... we've been having fun, but I haven't been drawing.
Yesterday and today I sketched a little.

#1 butter dish sub.... :) No. Following Robin, I'm just happy I got out my pocket sketchbook while I was walking in the park this evening. This water tower is in the center of the park.
Ai, thanks for the info. Think I will stick to a premade palette.

Ned, nice sketch of the tower. I really like the shading you do with waterpen.

Keep sketching
Joan, I start a continuous line and forget to keep going. Pick up my pen and .....

Fletch, thanks. That bleed was the toys/dogs on our headboard of the bed. :) Hope you get to sketch some.

Ai and Joan, you both inspire with your watercolors.

Ned, dropping the ball is my usual. Here is my saying the other day "I got so much procrastinating done today!" The El Arroyo Restaurant in Austin puts up these sayings on a billboard weekly I think. "Auto Correct can go straight to he'll" You can see a bunch online. I love the water tower with the bit of color. Great. Our son has one across from his house and gets beautiful sunsets with the silhouette. Have a great summer, see you when we can!

We had our Medicare physicals yesterday so sketched in the Doctors office. A view from the VIP side to the regular. Ha. The plants and planters are about 6 feet tall with the big screen TV to keep us entertained with propaganda like "drink plenty of water", "exercise", etc., with helpful hints. We get the results on the 30th. In the Canson regular paper small sketchbook with the Acurit 03.
Number 3, plastic