Scavenger Hunt from Life #120: June 28 - July 6

Joan T

Well-known member
Scavenger Hunt from Life #120: Jun 28 - Jul 06

Something multicolored
Something used to celebrate
Something in your kitchen
Something used for art
Something you collect
A rock or boulder
A bench or chair
A landscape
A container or bucket (Challenge #1: filled with something)
A broom, brush or item used for cleaning
Two or more fruits in a still life
A vehicle larger than a car
A car
Something with a handle
Something with buttons
Something translucent
Chilly or cold
An animal
A person

Challenge #2: Next Thursday will be July 4th here in the USA. Try to relate one of the items to a holiday celebration.

Have fun and enjoy sketching!
Hi, Jo & Ai. The hunts do seem to be flying by.

I returned to do one more painting of the rose trellises at the Planting Fields Arboretum.
1 - landscape - direct watercolor


2 - flowers - direct watercolor
Joan: What a great start of this Hunt with the gorgeous rose trellis and the flowers
Ai, thanks! :) I love those barges. You did an amazing job on all the details. I like how you incorporated the people into the scene. They give a hint to the size of the barges. Bravo!

3 - people outside Snowflake Ice Cream Shoppe - continuous line ink
4 - bench


5 - peaceful scene at a plant nursery - watercolors and ink

Joan: Thanks so much... Great continuous line, plus lovely delicate planter details and plants at the nursery. I love your inking techniques on the wonderful wc.
Ai, thank you. It felt good to use ink again after the 30 days of direct watercolor. My fingers were itching to do some ink work again.
I went to a Greek festival today...and bought a piece of baklava. I think if you even look at it you end up covered in honey.

6 - delicious - watercolors and ink

7 - multicolored - watercolors and ink

Tommy Kavounidis was playing a bouzouki.

8 - with a handle (I'm stretching's a neck.) - watercolors and ink
#2 -- use for art..I just got a kido Prang WC set. I am thinking of convert half pan paints inside with my high quality this an addition to my previous 7 travel WC sets ..

Joan, great distance in the trellis sketch. The flowers look like hollyhocks, don't get those here. I miss them from New Mexico. The continuous line is so well done. Fun to see the ink back in the nursery. Yummy on the baklava.Great stand and musician! Joanna knew the instrument.

Ai, wow on the Royal Barge and seeing you! Fun to have yet another WC set. Ha.
Ai, I had to smile at the Prang WC set. From what I remember they do have nice size wells. lol Extra sets are always worth having.

Jo, thanks. Wish I had bought more, I don't, since I probably would have finished that last night too. lol
Ai, what a nice sketch of that colorful toy! I get lost in things that have so many pieces. lol
Joan, love the rose arch and the flower. The continuous line of people on the bench is amazing. Love the fountain. Fun festival paintings.. The honey comment made me laugh.

Ai, incredible job on the barges, great perspective too. Curious. 7 travel WC sets. How many have the same palette

Keep sketching

Sorry wrote these yesterday and never hit send.
Not doing a lot of art at the moment. 24/7 caretaking is wearing me down which I know a few of you can relate to.
Joan, hey!
Ai, fun toys and complicated to keep track of the colors and numbers of rings. Great job!
Fletch, yep, know what you mean. I haven't done anything art wise since ???

We will celebrate Independence Day on Thursday with Joanna's birthday. We hardly ever get to do that on the actual day. I will try to sketch before then. Cheerio! ...(Post Toasties and Rice Krispies....don't remember who said something like that in the old days. Ha.)
Joan , Jo, and Fletch: Thanks.

Fletch: Non of 7 have exact same palettes... but some colors do overlapped in these palletes. I just like to try new things...
Fletch, thanks so much for your comments. Doing 24/7 caretaking for Sharon takes a lot out of you. I hope there is someone who helps out a bit from time to time. You need it!

Jo, sounds like a way to celebrate both events. My mom's birthday was July 4th so we had many celebrations with her...lots of flag birthday cakes covered with strawberries and blueberries...and often lobsters too. How I miss those days! Wish Joanna a Happy Birthday.

Today my plein air group went out painting. One of the members invited us to her house to paint. The house sits on a bluff overlooking a small bay, Long Island Sound, and Connecticut.

9 - light sand - watercolor

10 - animal - quick, direct watercolor (Her dog, Sitka, kept us company.)
Joan, yep lots of red, white and blue birthdays. Always fun. Joanna thought the fireworks were for her birthday of course. I love the overlook and Sitka. Nice works full of gesture and life.

I finally sketched on the porch, lazy way on my iPad with the app Brushes. A bit overcast today. Number 1, landscape


And of course the sun is out now and I took the photo from a slightly different view. Super hot outside already......