Scavenger Hunt #41 - October 6-14

Robin, awww. The lamp and noses are so special. Your home looks so cozy and welcoming. Thanks for your wonderful in-look into your world.
Robin, thanks for the new list. I though I had posted some of these, but apparently not. Let me comment and then I'll post sketches.

Ai, I've been following some of your sketches on FB and it looks like you are having fun. Yummy sketch of your breakfast at the cafe. the boats on the beach are full of color and nicely composed. I like your market sketches. That tree is so big...and so is that guitar in the Tamarind market sketch. Mmm...the second group of boats is much looser. I like that one too.

Angela, good sketch of the timer. I have one that is very similar. I don't use it much since I rely on the timer on my stove or my phone.

Robin, I'm loving your green ink sketches. Nice doorknob and keys. Do they go together? Good thinking to use the curved case from the measuring tape. The green salsa sounds tempting. Ah...a switch to purple. Is that a jade plant from above? They have such fun curved leaves. I love the lamp on the table with the books. Great little scene!

1 - viewed from the side - ink


2 - bigger than a breadbox (lighthouse) - direct watercolor

3 - viewed from the bottom (59th Street Bridge) - direct watercolor


4 - has an odd outline (bridge) - direct watercolor


5 - free space - watercolors and ink (There was a performance of Twelfth Night in the park where we were sketching, so a few of us sketched the two actors and the musician from The Condensed Shakespeare Company. I showed them the sketch after the performance and they loved that I sketched them! They all took photos of the sketch.)


6 - curve (bow of the paddlewheel boat) - ink

Robin, thanks. I especially like the doorknob and the keys. Match was a good idea for makes sound. Nice bold plant views and fun details on your "nose" sketch.

Ai, thanks. I think my hatching is getting sloppier as I go along. What an interesting lamp! Beautiful squid boats again.

Jo, thanks. Nice digi.

EP, Pine Cone, hello!

Joan, thanks. I use my timer when I'm sunbathing, which I do for vitamin D, since my blood levels seem low no matter how much I take orally. Nice lines on your bicycle, and I guess because of the breadbox reference, the vegetation in the foreground of your lighthouse made me think of wheat. All of your sketches are lovely, as usual. I like the paddlewheel boat.

Catching up on Inktober since I still want 31 sketches even if I miss days. Everything should be in the images. The toy was part of my mother's collection.

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fantastic works from everyone, I love, very funny Snoopy, Joan, fantastic watercolor works,
Jo, Robin, great ink drawings, Ai, wonderful works in watercolor, and in ink
1magazine advertisement
ballpoint paper a5 ,I flipped through a magazine that was at home and found a full page advertisement

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Thanks for the nice comments. Appreciate you all

Ai Cool bicycle lamp! These quick sketches have a nice ambiance
lovely squid boats. It is easy to see how drawing practice has brought confidence in to your quick movements. Always thanks for the photos.

JoC out to lunch with a friend is good! And your car sketch is nice. I like the detail contrast with loose free surroundings make easy to give attention to car details. Great shading on all the wooden glider parts. The blanket looks inviting. We too have a glider bench parked just inside the garage from to watch rainstorms.

Hi EP and Pine Cone

Joan - bicycle/fence great juxtaposition. I like how the back tire is partially obscured in the grass. You really were “touching“ the scene. The beach scene is full of autumn summer wistfulness.
SUPER! Two bridge/city/park landscapes . I think you win most detailed sketch of Hunt. BRAVO and Fortissimo fine finish with musicians and a flawless steamboat! Lovely work, you go girl!

Amo. Nice set of keys. They look pretty happy for keys! Oh my, a handle that fell off win most unusual object of Hunt probably....good depiction too. And a Snoopy ear is a smile for everyone, thanks...

Joe1. Oh, very nice advert. Her pose is thoughtful and draws one right in to wondering what it’s all about...

well, another day together...Hope you manage to squeeze in a tiny bit of a sketch to share.
Joan, what a neat bike. The light house is so "you". I'm smiling. The bridge from two views is wonderful and the artists are full of life. Fun to find a paddle wheel boat.

amo, nice car keys. Looks like they have a "finder" on them. The fridge sketch made me laugh. Snoopy is precious.

joe1lt, you are doing so well with your portraits and we get a glimpse here in your sketch. Nice.

Heard from Joe in Florida. They are slowly getting electrics back. Internet in a few days. He is the next host so if he can't put it up, I will do it for him. He is anxious to get back here and relax a bit. Yay!

I worked on a watercolor for the watercolor challenge and it isn't from life so, no sketch. Later or tomorrow!
Super sketches , Robin, Joan, Jo, Joe1, and AMO.

#11 bigger than a breadbox old fridge
#10b -- odd outline ..a practice bomb casing found in our local vintage cafe


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Thanks, everyone.

Ai, what an unusual find. There was a practice range near a ranch where my father worked before WWII. There were bomb cases all over. My dad used the noses for feed buckets for the cattle and horse feed! I imagine some are still there. Well drawn. Fridge is a good find, too.

I sketched on the trail on our walk, the last page of the travel sketchbook. In a hurry as we were walking and I didn't want to stop too long. Pilot ball point pen.
Number 5 curve - slide at playscape.

Thanks Jo.... good to know more about the bomb case. Wonderful job with the kid's slider... It is challenging for me. You did great.
thanks, Jo, Ai , wonderful draws

2 stagional
at the supermarket there were mandarins, perhaps it is more the winter season though , color pencil, a4

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Just here to drop my last sketch for this hunt. I drew it yesterday but didn't get it uploaded. Been very busy with my other freelance work. I guess it's a good thing because things get slow around the holidays. But I'm tired.
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