
old man
S IV.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on panel .. alla prima .. painted July 23/24 .. the blue is a tad brighter here but the camera likes to intensify blue.
I am sure Terri will eyeball this one as I know she loves purple and green.

... this is a result of my safety net .. if my extraction does not pan out I can always throw flowers at it and salvage a painting .. Hopefully I won't have to use it often.. It's good to know because if I do another flower series I do have something here that will make my flowers my own. It feels good to be excited with my art again.
I do hate those periods when I feel up against a wall with nowhere to turn as opposed to when you have something cooking in your mind and can't wait to see if it works.

So far in searching for my nook I have found that I desire to create my own color by altering tube colors with a mother color. It seems to create much better color combinations. I have found as well that I do like having my dark to amplify my light. I find I am using thicker paint these days as well as I like the sculpting that happens when you want to dig in.

....... a distance view:

S IVxx.jpg
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I like those colors, Wayne, and think the flowers look good against them. What in particular didn’t work with the extraction; values, shapes? I’m curious, of course.
Thank you Donna.
I could not get the shapes to stand on their own as I messed up my value scheme so I dissolved the shapes into themselves and used them as a background. I think I had too many shapes but I didn't have any real depth of field.

Thanks Bart
I love those colors together too. Makes a beautiful painting. You can throw flowers at any painting your like, all your flower paintings are so fresh and lovely. ❤️ 🌸❤️