
old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 20/24
The title S I .. stands for Search I .. a new series I am doing to try and find an expression in art that is mine ..
I'll call it Extractism .. as you can extract what you will from what I extracted from my references .. I have gone back to using my pc programs to layer and alter original art of mine and what I am left with is a digital based on the values and colors from my paintings. So in essence I am extracting from my original works to find a new impression that I can use as a reference for values. Values rule, colour is a member of the supporting cast. I rather like this and from there we will proceed. I don't know how far but to give it a fair evaluation I will do 10 for sure and make a further evaluation at that point.

Distance view:
I like the idea of extractism and think it will be a good way for you to keep moving forward. Using your own references means that it’s still “you”; you already have a connection in some way. I like this one and can easily see several images trying to come through! Great idea for a series, Wayne!
Thank you Donna. I’m not sure how things will evolve but I want less attention to the picture plane and full attention to the values that create a good composition (to my mind). For example, I can enter the picture from one side and a horse evolves but from the the other I see a gal with a cat. I find that interesting. It’s all in your head.
So interesting! I'm seeing several different things, some just suggested and some more obvious (to me). What a fun concept.

More, please. :)
Hey Wayne, I love what you're saying about the process here. I'm all about the process in painting, especially abstraction. I also like how you've newly coined it. The only thing is that the viewer would never know how you got to this point unless this was explained to them, and that might be an issue if it "stood on its own." Not that I think art needs to be spoon-fed. In fact, I think it shouldn't be. For me, as it sits, it has mysterious qualities, but not enough where I'm super curious, perhaps because it's not my favorite palette. It's a bit muddy for me, but I'm intrigued by the middle/left "figure"/shape, which kinda reminds me of Sasquatch.
Thank you Ayin. Bad photo. There is more flesh color and the flesh color seperates the yellows. No biggie. Just the first of my search. I simply layer two or three paints and then from the soup I pull colors. Today I leaned away from the abstract and into expression as I did my abstracted shapes and then overlaid them with expressionistic flowers. So tomorrow I will revisit this approach.