Real Time Art Practice, CS edition

Til there's a name for the models I want to make.
Meltable would be nice but isn't strictly necessary.
Firm in hot weather but still workable with hands. 2nd biggest one. Sculpy is too hard for big models, cheapo kids modeling clay deforms too much.
Won't chip off armature when repositioned. Biggest one. This is why air dry clay doesn't work.
I think size matters. Bigger models can be softer to a point. Small models and heads probably need hard.
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I cannot claim to speak from my own experience, but from what I've read, Chavant Y2-Clay should work for you. Plastiline Sculpting Clay comes in regular and hard, and should also be good. These clays are all reasonably priced, so you could buy 500g of each to try.
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I cannot claim to speak from my own experience, but from what I've read, Chavant Y2-Clay should work for you. Plastiline Sculpting Clay comes in regular and hard, and should also be good. These clays are all reasonably priced, so you could buy 500g of each to try.
What's considered a reasonable price for these? I could only find y2 klay for $18 per block on fibreglast. A bit steep for me, especially with shipping. Though it does look awful nice...
Do you have a different source?
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Van Gogh did not paint alla prima, at least not always.
He also reused his canvases and even painted on dishtowels when he ran out of surfaces. Makes me wonder what he did when he ran out of paint. Safflower cooking oil and charcoal black from the stove?
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Color as value.
Value as color.
The idea that every color can be reduced to a value.
The idea that a color can represent a value.
Black pigment is still a color. So is white.

Coloring adds information.
Oil on hardboard, 5x7 inches. I've since blended the edges a bit. This was actually some 2 days ago and it's still wet. Considering how little time I've had to paint lately, I can't decide if that's good or not. Yeah I can mush it around some more, but I've already put one fingerprint in it lol.


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Try using tiny low resolution pics to simulate standing far away from the subject.
Still have to stand far-ish from the canvas too though. The walking is a big part of it. I've noticed, when I bother to do it, that "painting from across the room" does help with tunnel vision.
Pomodoro painting:
It's murder to break it up this way, but it works. If I could get my shit to look like that in 30 minutes, I'd be made.